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McCarthyism and the modern Conservative


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Does it seem to anyone else that many conservatives on this board were on the Panel for Unamerican Activities? Any dissent to a government action, official, or military endeavor whether it is today or thirty years ago gets you labeled a communist or anti-American. It's sickening to me. I thought the idea of democracy was that each voice should be heard and then through voting or representive voting, the best idea is discovered and acted upon. These voices that go on Salem Witch Hunts and cry "witch" or McCarthy binges and cry, "Anti-American, traitor, Commie" go to far. It is the ability to differ, it is the melting pot itself that made this country great. If you want to hate a candidate or even loathe a party consisting of roughly fifty percent of the nation's population that is your perogative. You even have the right to call half of America "anti-American." I for one find this anti-American talk about populations and candidates very sad and in opposition to the spirit of liberty and discourse I was taught to believe in.

Edit: looking at a number of threads this reaction or view was actually prompted by only one or two posters. I don't mean to generalize this to all conservatives.

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While I don't play in the sandbox you're talking about, the fact is, a liberal seems to want it one way. They want what they say to be unincumbered with any counter. They want to say America is a criminal nation and not have an American say, "That's a very un-American thing to say."

A liberal is an odd beast.

They believe they know more and know better than those who aren't. Therefore they don't want their hysterical rants to be addressed. They simply want them taken as the truth. When a liberal is challenged, it usually comes to posts such as these that suggest it's scary that you have to be challenged.

We're not talking about any dissent being met with a harsh counter. We're talking the insane, baseless, thoughtless dissent that is being met with similar outrage and anger. I hear reasonable and reasoned Democrats and liberals every day. You can voice dissent with some meat behind it causing the response to be based on the strength of your argument, instead of the heat of your words.

All too often the liberal argument is based on thin air.

That we should just accept, without counter, that we are causing Global Warming. That we should just accept, without answer, that despite 63 nations being part of our actions in Iraq, that we're acting alone. That we should just accept, without thought, that two men who are vastly more wealthy than Bush have a right to claim attachment to the common man and bash Bush for being a wealthy elitist.

It goes on and on.

I think what disgusts me is a liberal who doesn't want what he says to be challenged and wrung out, but rather, who feels he shouldn't have to be put through such an an outrage. Afterall, he's a liberal. He knows better.

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I'm all for dissent but not mudslinging, lies, and the anti american rants that liberals spew on a daily basis for no other reason but to further the chance of taking over the white house.

And to be honest McCarthy was on target with most of those he accused of being communist wasnt he?

The liberals didnt like that especially hollywood and thus unless you dig up the info from better sources you'll see the revisionist version.

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President Bush foolishly went out of his way to be friends with librals in DC including letting Ted Kennedy write the largest education spending bill in history but if you listen to him and the media he is sitting idly by letting schools crumble and kids become dumber.

You hear people calling into question the so called dissenters loyalty because they have yet to say anything positive and always seem to side with nations that want us to fail.

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What is really scary is that liberals consider those who dont agree with their questionable positions as closeminded.

And when there are laws they don't agree with they dont go the route of legislation or democratic process they search for activist judges who legislate instead of interpret.

Lately it flat out breaking the law.

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Originally posted by SkinInsite

McCarthy was a despicable man, how many people lost their means to live because just the hint of being a communist?

Did people forget the way he went after the army? He was scum.

This is nothing more that regurgitated spew indoctronation provided courtesy of the die hard left. If you really care to research the subject of "McCarthy" and obtain an "objective" view on it then go read the recent books on the "venona" project. You'd see just how "right" McCarthy was.

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I just find myself wondering if liberals will even get the irony of complaining about McCarthy and his sentiments, statements and actions while saying it disgusts them and frightens them when anyone on the left has their sentiments, statements or actions met with complaints.

I'm guessing no. Afterall, McCarthy wasn't a liberal, therefore, commenting upon his patriotism is great. Just leave the other side alone. Is that about right? I'm not, by any stretch, defending the history of McCarthyism -- as the term resonates with members of the left whether completely valid or not. I just find it somewhat ironic in this thread.

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Originally posted by aREDSKIN

This is nothing more that regurgitated spew indoctronation provided courtesy of the die hard left. If you really care to research the subject of "McCarthy" and obtain an "objective" view on it then go read the recent books on the "venona" project. You'd see just how "right" McCarthy was.

Fine you can believe in what you want.

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If a lie goes unchallenged unfortunately it becomes viewed as truth.

Even though I havent found kids starving in the streets from not having school lunches, the elderly being thrown in the streets with no social security, medicaid or churches burning down with every GOP coming into office.

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"We're not talking about any dissent being met with a harsh counter. We're talking the insane, baseless, thoughtless dissent that is being met with similar outrage and anger."

Today, yesterday and in recent weeks a presidential candidate has been called anti-American and a communist for protesting a war he served in decades ago. Is that your example of "insane, baseless, and thoughtless dissent" from the left that so outrages the right as to justify the label of anti-American and communist? Do you believe that someone who has served the country for 35 years and is a decorated soldier is anti-American. If you dislike his policies and stances... If you think he is a bad senator and a failing politician- I don't have any qualms about that expression of thought. I do think the charge of anti-American is too harsh.

Art, The conservative party, the bastion of school censorship and repression of literature ranging from Mark Twain to Shakespeare is hardly fit to speak about another shushing dissent. If the right were truly open to other points of view they would not create free speech zones that are miles from where the President speaks. This is besides the point. The point was that the charge of anti-Americanism has become to commmon and easily applied.

That there are those who paint with such a wide brush that everything becomes stained.

And Art, you are smart enough there is a large difference between voicing a discenting opinion and calling someone treasonous, a traitor to their country or anti-American. At least there is to me.

If the calls of anti-Americanism were only in relation to ridiculous actions like those of a Michael Moore I would agree with you. But they're not, within the past year, people have been called anti-American simply for saying they disagreed with policies, that they thought freedoms were being endangered, that 40 years ago they were seen sitting three rows behind someone. Would you level the charge of treason for any of these? Calling someone anti-American is a charge of treason, a charge of traitor. These accusations don't seem to be hyperbole.

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Traditionally, conservatives are much stronger advocates of school lit censorship, lyric censorship, etc. Side topic- Is Mel Gibson considered a liberal or a conservative? I really don't know. The people who want to suppress the movie... are they the same ones that wanted to suppress the "Last Temptation of Christ" I remember there was a huge controversy about that film too. Religion and politics, I suppose. For the record, the liberal side of censorship (PCism) I have great difficulty with too in many instances.

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I'll respond more fully to what you wrote in a moment.

But, you need to check yourself if you think the right is for censorship in a society that is dominated by liberals who simply won't allow religious speech in any form by their students. I realize, again, the left simply knows better and we shouldn't point out their actions as wrong while focusing on how wrong the right is, but, really, that isn't your best course to take. If you think it is, you've just lost the conversation rather badly.

Do you even know about speech codes and who is trying to implement them?

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I don't have any problem if a kid wants to pray in school. I just don't want "praying" being taught or led by a teacher. If kids want to talk about their religion on their own, fine, no problem there. I just don't think religion is something that should be taught or led in school. Why? Because IMO, there are many religions and many different denominations. What is right and correct in one is not the case in another. I don't want an islamic teacher leading my child in prayer or whatever other example you bring up.

I can't speak for anyone else, but that's why I'm against religion in schools.

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