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Whither Jimmy Sexton


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A trend that seems to be emerging is the conspicuously divergent approaches taken by Sexton and Ramsey on this whole Brunell thing. If no one knew any better, you'd think it was some crude Mutt 'n Jeff routine. But we know better. And it's not. Sexton drivels out his rhetoric whereas Ramsey takes things in stride.

Which brings me to think . . . what does Ramsey think of Sexton and his pathetic wanna be firebrand style? Surely, Sexton isn't endearing himself to the 'Skins FO and Gibbs. Will Ramsey finally have enough of Sexton's lunatic fringe rantings and dump the man? Or is Sexton truly pushing the best for his client such that Ramsey will ride on with him?

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Please dear lord let this be the end of all of the chaos.

From today's WT

Redskins key on Brunell, Bailey

Ramsey, more at ease at Redskin Park than he was Wednesday after meeting with Gibbs, said he believes his coach.

"I don't know him the way a lot of people do around here, but one thing I do know is he's a man of integrity," Ramsey said. "All I've ever heard is that he's a man of his word. He told me it's going to be that way, and I believe that."

Gibbs' hope, according to team sources, is to get the two best quarterbacks he can. The coach still regards Ramsey as the future of the position but wants to have a starting-quality veteran, preferrably Brunell, to ensure that the team won't be derailed by injury at that spot.

Ramsey reiterated that he won't seek a trade if Brunell is signed, saying, "I want to play for Joe Gibbs. I want to play here. There's no question about that. The one thing anybody can get from this, I think, is I want to play here."

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