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Kerry seeks to be the Mulahs choice


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http://www.tehrantimes.com/Detailview.asp?Keyword=john kerry&Da=2/8/2004&Cat=2&Num=26

Kerry Says He Will Repair Damage If He Wins Election

WASHINGTON (Mehr News Agency) -- The office of Senator john kerry, the frontrunner in the Democratic presidential primary in the U.S., sent the Mehr News Agency an e-email saying that Kerry will try to repair the damage done by the incumbent president if he wins the election. The text of the e-mail follows.

As Americans who have lived and worked extensively overseas, we have personally witnessed the high regard with which people around the world have historically viewed the United States. Sadly, we are also painfully aware of how the actions and the attitudes demonstrated by the U.S. government over the past three years have threatened the goodwill earned by presidents of both parties over many decades and put many of our international relationships at risk.

It is in the urgent interests of the people of the United States to restore our country's credibility in the eyes of the world. America needs the kind of leadership that will repair alliances with countries on every continent that have been so damaged in the past few years, as well as build new friendships and overcome tensions with others.

We are convinced that john kerry is the candidate best qualified to meet this challenge. Senator Kerry has the diplomatic skill and temperament as well as a lifetime of accomplishments in field of international affairs. He believes that collaboration with other countries is crucial to efforts to win the war on terror and make America safer.

An understanding of global affairs is essential in these times, and central to this campaign Kerry has the experience and the understanding necessary to successfully restore the United States to its position of respect within the community of nations. He has the judgment and vision necessary to assure that the United States fulfills a leadership role in meeting the challenges we face throughout the world.

The current Administration's policies of unilateralism and rejection of important international initiatives, from the Kyoto Accords to the Biological Weapons Convention, have alienated much of the world and squandered remarkable reserves of support after 9/11. This climate of hostility affects us all, but most especially impacts those who reside overseas. Disappointment with current U.S. leadership is widespread, extending not just to the corridors of power and politics, but to the man and woman on the street as well.

We believe john kerry is the Democrat who can go toe-to-toe against the current Administration on national security and defense issues. We also remain convinced that john kerry has the best chance of beating the incumbent in November, and putting America on a new course that will lead to a safer, more secure, and more stable world.

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Funny, several other countries, including Russia are backing away from Kyoto. Any nation wanting to not be dragged into the depths by environazism based on a debunked climate study is going to do the same.

Unilateral..ugh, I'm getting tired of hearing that. I hate Kerry and I hate all the rest of them. Not merely because they disagree, but they have no honor.

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Originally posted by Ghost Who Talks

Funny, several other countries, including Russia are backing away from Kyoto. Any nation wanting to not be dragged into the depths by environazism based on a debunked climate study is going to do the same.

Unilateral..ugh, I'm getting tired of hearing that. I hate Kerry and I hate all the rest of them. Not merely because they disagree, but they have no honor.

Uh, The climate studies that lead many to believe that global warming is a reality have NEVER been debunked. If you don't agree with the conclusions, thats your opinion. But to say they have been debunked is simply not true.

BTW. I don't support Kerry and sending that email was wrong. However I am not willing to turn off my brain and dissagree with the dems on every issue. That would be no better than a democrat doing the same with every republican stance.

The posible danger of global warming is such that if we cross the point of no returnit could lead to a global catastrophy. Faced with two choices we can either act to be sure that does not happen or cross our fingers and hope those scientists are wrong. Much as Tony Blair said regarding the danger Sadam posed, I consider the cost of making the wrong choice too high to be an acceptable risk.

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Originally posted by Mad Mike

Uh, The climate studies that lead many to believe that global warming is a reality have NEVER been debunked. If you don't agree with the conclusions, thats your opinion. But to say they have been debunked is simply not true.

The climate studies used to back up the theory of global warming from man made CO2 has several flaws in it. When those are fixed the theory falls apart but people who support global wealth distrubution using the kyoto treaty are trying to keep the theory afloat but it's dying at a rapid rate.

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Originally posted by Johnny Punani

Wow!! Nothing to say there blue chill? Kerry wants to support a brutal terrorist government in Iran and all you have the balls to do is roll your eyes. Typical liberal....

The e-mail is speaking in general about the diplomatic policy relating to the world. If you want to equate that to support for a single goverment, you are free to do so. I for one don't believe irrational leaps to partisan conclusions merit anything more then rolling eyes.

so here you go again buddy -

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Johnny Punani

The climate studies used to back up the theory of global warming from man made CO2 has several flaws in it. When those are fixed the theory falls apart but people who support global wealth distrubution using the kyoto treaty are trying to keep the theory afloat but it's dying at a rapid rate.

So would you say the majority of the scientific community agrees with you?

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Originally posted by Blue_chill

The e-mail is speaking in general about the diplomatic policy relating to the world. If you want to equate that to support for a single goverment, you are free to do so. I for one don't believe irrational leaps to partisan conclusions merit anything more then rolling eyes.

so here you go again buddy -

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

LMAO!! Wow, talking about living in a bubble. The email was send to the Mehr News Agency in Iran. Now why would Kerry send an email that "spoke in general about diplomatic policy relating to the world" to an Iranian news agency? That's a pretty logical question to me. I'm shocked your such a partisan wonk that you have to change reality itself to conform to your delusional ideals and assumptions. Here, I'm game...

:finger: :finger: :finger: :finger:

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Uh geniuses, there are hundreds of scientists that disagree with the conclusions drawn by those who feel global warming is occurring.

I should even say that I won't niggle about whether there is a kind of global warming happening, but the fact is it's cyclical and there have been warmings and mini-ice ages in the past with almost no human element to be held accountable for the change.

Not only that, but the guy who pioneered the theory early on said that his initial findings were flawed.

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Claim: A mural in Iraq depicts an airplane slamming into buildings resembling the World Trade Center towers.

Status: True.

Origins: On 26 March 2003, a mural showing an airplane crashing into one of two tall vertical buildings and setting it aflame (while a second airplane approaches the other building) was discovered by U.S. Marines searching Iraqi military headquarters in Nasiriya. The plane in this cheerily-hued painting bears the logo and color scheme of Iraqi Airlines.

The now famous photo, which shows two Marines in front of the mural, was taken by Joe Raedle, a photo journalist accompanying the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force from Task Force Tarawa.

No comment has so far been offered as to whether the mural pre-dates the September 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City or whether it was painted afterwards in celebration of same.

Barbara "artless" Mikkelson

Vote Kerry and there will be painting like this in Iran

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Originally posted by jbooma

I meant it is a cool job :cool:

Oh, think so huh? It's not as "cool" as everyone thinks. It's pretty boring at times. Plus, working the graveyard shift blows as well. However, thunderstorms and winter storms are fun to work. You should see some of the people I work with ping out and bounce off the walls during stuff like that. Total weather geeks...:laugh:

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Originally posted by Johnny Punani

The climate studies used to back up the theory of global warming from man made CO2 has several flaws in it. When those are fixed the theory falls apart but people who support global wealth distrubution using the kyoto treaty are trying to keep the theory afloat but it's dying at a rapid rate.

Care to share details? Please show me the flaws. The FACT is that you cannot prove global warming is not happening. you can have your opinions but that does not make them fact.

BTW. I'm not saying we simply sign on with the accords. I'm simply saying the wise thing to do is take every reasonable precation while the studies continue.

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Here you go...


Close to 20,000 scientists have signed this petition...

Global Warming Petition

We urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, 1997, and any other similar proposals. The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind.

There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth.

American Association of State Climatologists

State Climatologists Skeptical of Administrations Global Warming

Having just returned from the annual meeting of the American Association of State Climatologists (for which I will be President for the next year), I can tell you that there is a great deal of global warming skepticism among my colleagues. For every outspoken scientist like Pat Michaels there are dozens of less verbose but equally committed men and women who do not buy into the Administration's point of view. Far from being a "done deal," the global warming scenarios are looking shakier and shakier. I have encouraged the other state climatologists to speak up on this issue and intend to be a spokesman myself (see, for example, July 25 1998 Science News). It's interesting to me that the tactics of the "advocates" seems to be to 1) call the other side names ("pseudo-scientists") and 2) declare the debate over ("the vast majority of credible scientists believe..."). I'm grateful for those who are running top-notch Web sites (SEPP, junkscience, John Daly, Doug Hoyt, Pat Michaels, etc.) to keep the dialogue open and enable us to share relevant information and scientific data (and also provide encouragement).

George Taylor, State Climatologist

Oregon Climate Service

316 Strand Hall

Oregon State University

Corvallis OR 97331-2209


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