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For Tony Kornheiser Radio fans in the DC area


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There is hope just yet!!! :cheers:

Los Angeles, Calif.: Tony, why are you leaving your radio show?.. What is the real reason and when do you think you will be getting back on the air. ESPN Radio in LA sucks and you need to get on the radio here!


Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon: They took me off the air in the LA 2 years ago. They only had me on for 3 months and they yanked me. I've got 3 jobs and I'm over 50 and I don't want 3 jobs. More than likely I'll be back on the air by the first of the year in Washington, D.C. though. And if there is a "real" reason, I wouldn't talk about it on the Internet. Call me. I'll tell you. --Tony

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He said the other day on the air when he was talking about why he was leaving that he will be back on the radio again but only locally. I think the link is still on his front page on espnradio.com, it says "Farewell Tony" I believe.

I thinking about going down and listening to the show one day if they will let me. They have talked about people being there to listen from time to time.


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