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Your prediction: Is there a possibility of Darrell Green returning to the Skins?


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Since the return of Joe Gibbs, do you think Darrell Green may think about returning to the Skins? I'm pretty sure Green and Gibbs would have great coach-to-player chemistry since they've both went through so many seasons together. Also, check this out, in this article, Gibbs was quoted on many subjects and this one in particular caught my eye:

On whether he has spoken to Darrell Green about a role with the team:

“No, we haven’t. We haven’t had a chance to sit down.”

Perhaps that hints to a small "light at the end of the tunnel" possibility of Green returning? I don't know, maybe not. I just found it pretty interesting, that's all.

You can read the article here:


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Okay I found another article that mentions this subject:

'--Retired cornerback Darrell Green could return to the organization, but probably in a figurehead role. Sources say Green has no interest in a position of day-to-day responsibility with the organization.

"I think we're going to sit down and talk about some things," Gibbs said. "Obviously Darrell is very important to the organization."'

and this article also states that Champ Bailey will probably stay with the team:


"I don't think that's going to happen. I'd say that's probably one we don't have to worry about." -- Coach Joe Gibbs on CB Champ Bailey becoming a free agent. Gibbs hadn't done a lot of film evaluation or study of the cap, but already seemed confident that Washington would not let Bailey test the market. The franchise tag is expected next month."'


I'll update this topic as I find more information...

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DG is a self rightious piece of schitzen that only lives for himself. have you ever tried to get an autograph from this guy, he acts as if he is the king of the WORLD and nobody can touch him. i only recently found out how much of an A$$ green could be. unless you have a $1000 check in hand for the dg youth foundation, you can forget any public gratitude........the guy completely sours my stomach........

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Not for nothing, but that's better than just having to have a 1,000$ check made out to HIM, like other Pro sports players....

I, at the very least, have to admire DGs' dedication to his foundation...although I am a little disheartened to hear he may be a d***.

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Originally posted by hailskins666

DG is a self rightious piece of schitzen that only lives for himself. have you ever tried to get an autograph from this guy, he acts as if he is the king of the WORLD and nobody can touch him. i only recently found out how much of an A$$ green could be. unless you have a $1000 check in hand for the dg youth foundation, you can forget any public gratitude........the guy completely sours my stomach........

Dude, you have no idea what you're talking about. Go back into your cave.

The only possibility of DG coming back to the Skins was in a coaching or admin capacity. Not going to happen this year.

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