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Questions of the Wierd #I


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Since it is now the sad season, no football :( . Still a little early to talk draft picks, (no combines yet). I have a great way to spend some time here. There are many intelligent posters here so I am going to start this "Questions of the Wierd". I figure we normally try to debate and bash one another so lets use our minds to for something that everyone has wondered but never figure out. Lets use all of our brains and try to come up with the answers of these questions:

Question of the Wierd #1

(i know it is spelled wrong :silly:, make it more interesting )

Why do men have nipples ??

Begin the discussion :cheers:

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I'm not 100% positive, but I believe it's because all of us at one point are neither male nor female and we are equipt to go either way. ie, the penis/clitoris is the same at that point, but as we change, that body part changes too. I guess when something goes wrong we are left with the "she male"......LOL.

I'm guessing the nipple thing is because of that, as the male develops, they are just left without function.

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Male pattern baldness is generally traced to the maternal grandfather. Meaning, if you Mom's dad had a shiny dome, you're might want to go ahead and order some extra Extremeskins hats. :)

I'd go for another link to a site that talks about this in more learned terms, but I don't want to cheat again. I try to limit such underhandedness to once a day, tops.

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Originally posted by Om

Maybe I'm getting old or something, but more and more, rather than endlessly bat this kind of thing around based on my own opinion and those of other non-experts in a certain esoteric field, I just go to a qualified source.

Exposing the Male Nipple :)

In college, I took Gould and Lewinton's course on evolution. It was easily one of the most eye-opening classes I could ever have been in. Here's some of the wierd [sic ;)] stuff they talked about:

1) Many forms of artistic endeavor, including poetry, painting, music, and philosophy (to stretch the definition) are probably byproducts of a useful adaption: a larger brain;

2) A large brain probably confers enormous adaptive advantage (far more so than fangs or claws), since it consumes a singularly staggering amount of resources, metabolically;

3) Evolution is all but "impossible," since the pathways towards reproductive advantage are often twisted and low-possibility (eg, an adaptation that might lead to a beneficial adaptation in the long run, generationally, might confer no immediate benefits and may actually be deleterious for the organism in question);

4) Many adaptive traits that confer advantage may have evolved for a completely different reason and have been coopted (Gould calls these "exaptations" and points to the example of the bird hunting insects on the water's surface and shading the surface with its wings so it can see better);

5) Gould was a ****y, glib and ultimately somewhat fraudsome guy who made his name on popularizing complex theories; Lewinton was the real brains behind the organization.

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