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The most important thing about the SB


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Originally posted by MAPTASTIC

Dammit jbooma. Don't you realize that reality tv is what's wrong with America???

I wouldn't go telling everybody that you stayed up to watch that sh!te.

I just wanted to see how our friend from PA was doing, the girl that won it a while back, the bikini model :cheers:

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I told myself I wouldn't watch it but I did. LOL It just so happens that the only two Survivors I watched (the first one and I think Australia) are about half the participants in all-star Survivor so I recognize a lot of the players. I'm cheering for Rudy again. I hope he wins this time. Can't help but respect a 75 year old ex-Navy Seal that's still fit enough to do that.

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Originally posted by carlsbadd

I watched it. I think it's going to be a great run this time.

I don't think they should have brought back Rupert but thats just me.

Rupert is the big guy that has an alliance with Rudy, right? They keep talking about something bad that happened last time he was on Survivor. They said he almost didn't make it back. What did he do?

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