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Which are you more outraged over?


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I say the HL tough man contest.... mainly because I spent alot of time voting for nothing.

My 6yr old was watching the half time show too so I wasn't very happy about that either.

And Art needs to get into the HOF.

But If only one... The Tough Man contest.

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I think the word "outraged" is a little too strong here. We are not living in Victorian England. Personally I didn't waste my time with any of it and all this stuff about nothing put me to sleep. :laugh:

What does Howie Long's tough guy contest mean or really amount too? Nothing really.

There are more important things going on in the world. Like our boys still getting killed in Iraq. :(

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I could care less about Janet's boob, but I've always felt that the "festivities" were too damn annoying in the superbowl.

Maybe now, some of it will get cut back. But again, I could care less about the boob, i just think there's too many distractions and not enough game.

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SWEET PIC skinsfanintx....you're in SA too right dawg?!

is it too late to call dibs on the cutie on the left????

:laugh: :cheers:


I'm dissappointed about the Toughman.

But I'm sure Ramsey know's we tried like hell, and I'm sure he can buy his own badda$$ truck.....

BUT ART MONK.......I swear, if I ever see King, or Dr. Zhit for brains......I'm kicking 'em square in the nuts....

We Love you ART! You already ARE a Hall Of Famer.....screw those idiots that are too blind to see it....


:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy:notworthy

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Originally posted by CTaylor42

The only thing that people are talking about is the boob incident. We witnessed a great Football game. Probably one of the greatest, in Superbowl history. Nobody seems to care, and that is truly sad. :(

I agree wholeheartedly. The damned saggy breast of a 36 year old woman is geting more attention that potentially the greatest Super Bowl ever. We saw some fantastic plays, great performances, and we're talking about a metal covered boob. Dammit.

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I didn't like the american flag with the hole cut in it either.

Overall, nothing made me outraged.

- Toughman contest- didn't even watch it- who cares about it????

- Janet's Boob- shameless publicity stunt, I got to see a free boob on tv- everyone wins, nobody should care.

- American flag with hole cut in center- just shook my head because he probabaly didn't even think about the irony.

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