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This should tell everyone that nothing left in this world is pure anymore!!


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I've been harping about conspiracy theories for ,I don't know how long.....

As I too agree that the "Tough Man " voting poll is as rigged as any possible election!

Now if they can rig this,couldn't they rig other things as well?

Like football games....Officiating?Patriots...?

Do you guys really believe that 10 Billion Ray lewis Fans put their vote in for the last minute to overwhelm Ramsey?

Well....They didn't...But what is quite scary and funny at the same time is....Was it rigged for Ray Ray to win it all....or for Ramsey to not win....I don't know?

But does it not turn your smomach at all to even contemplate the fact that what you say really can be squashed...?That it has no meaning if someone higher has a different opinion...?

And my wife asks me,why don't I vote?

....No not for ramsey...!But for Presidential elections or whatever....?

And my response is..."cause honey.....it truly...really doesn't matter!"

I realize my conspiracy mind might seem outlandish to alot of Voters here or those who refuse we live in a world,where were just ponds in a bigger game.....

But the fact remains.....(Was Kennedy shot by only one man?,Was it just a hot-air baloon that landed in Roswell New Mexico?,Did Princess Diana just die in a car accident?,Were the Patriots the beneficiaries of bad officiating in the year of 2001-02 after 911 struck america and america needed something to comfort them?,Was Patrick Ramsey the actual winner of Howie Long's "tough Man" contest in 2004 only to swing the direction of a much more popular and probably favored Ray lewis in a matter of a few minutes for the award?)

Those are questions you really need to ask yourself gentleman!

If you believe that it is just a matter of coincidences,then that is your choice and opinion....Which is cool!One of the few things that we all still have right now....(I think)

But if you believe like I do...That nothing is sacred anymore and pure....Then we both have something very much in common....

But remember one thing people....They may be able to take away your votes and your rights among many other things as well....

But they can't take away your beliefs,your soul....and the truth!

Of course....If Ray Ray is found with a pound of pot in that brand new truck of his....and it officially ends his career....well then....Karma is a B.i.t.c.h!Isn't it?

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No it really suck because for once we thought that this was something we could affect the outcome on.

And to find out once again that life is all just a bunch of BS is hard to take.

All the crap one has to swallow day after day...just for once would'nt it have been nice to............


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I beg to disagree with you about the conspiracy theories.

I respect your right to think the way you do.

Sure the Fox poll was bullcrap. National elections no.

I vote and I urge everyone I can to vote because I still have my beliefs.

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I think the polls closed at such a late hour for a reason. They likely believed that an NFL Toughman wouldn't captivate fans and draw as much attention as it did. (I guess they forgot they were dealing with Redskins fans here.) But anyways, chances are that by having the polls close at a late hour, they likely believed that very few people would have noticed the conspiracy.

I think this theory ties in very nicely with the setup that they implemented coincidentally for the final round only, of where you can vote only once (seemingly anyways ;) ). Fox was probably under the impression that many people would go vote, and when they realized that they couldn't vote anymore, they would only return periodically to the page to check the results, or forget about it completely and just check back in at the end of the competition. Fox believed that they could pull a fast one on everybody because they were under the impression that a one vote limit would reduce the amount of poll monitoring that would take place.

The late night closing of the polls (3 am EST) and the apparent one vote per person in the final round was no coincidence. It was all part of the screw job plan over at Fox Sports, in the event that one of their boys/highly marketable players would be in jeopardy of winning.

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where have you been?

Our history is littered witht his kind of fraud.....

think waaaaaaaay back to the year 2000, Florida was not the only state in which NATIONAL elections were found to have signifigant amounts of problems......ok cheating.

This is the era of the virulent "ends justifies the means" mentality.

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Originally posted by Dr. D

So now you are saying our expectations to vote Patrick in were unrealistic?



What I am saying is: It didn't matter how many votes were cast in Pat's favor. FOX wasn't going to let a second year QB win over a defensive player of Ray Lewis' stature. When the vote swings that much in a few minutes time, it's obvious that the fix is in.
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:wtf: You guys are kidding right?

As someone already posted, it was definately rigged. Did you honestly think that a QB that had the $h!t beath out of him all season and kept getting back up, was going to beat out that psycho murderer from the Ravens in a "Touh guy" competition?

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guess thats what we get for taking FOX seriously anyway......

foxsports reply to a saints fan:

"From: Adrian Hasenmayer [mailto:AHasenmayer@foxsports.com]

Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2004 1:36 PM

To: 'dcochran@newregency.com'

Subject: Howie's Tough Guy Tourney


Thanks for your note - a few other fans have e-mailed about the ballot-stuffers too. While our policy is to generally allow users to vote as many times as they want, there are exceptions, we agree. With this info, we've limited the Finals to one vote per customer - frankly, it's the best we could do this late in the tourney, but next year we will anticipate the problem and take steps to avoid "ridiculous" ballot stuffers.

The point: to have fun with it and let you vote a couple times if you like, but we certainly do not want anything rigged.

Thanks for your concern!


yep the fix is in.....

they sure did not like they way the game was turning out so they changed the rules to make the outcome the way they wanted it to be.


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Originally posted by jbooma

what is funny is calling this pure when everyone cheated :laugh:

what i think happened is they deleted multiple votes from the same computer, just because you close your browser it still shows what computer it came from

Funny. Saind the same thing myself not too long ago in this thread


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Originally posted by Equality? Not @ Foxsports

Park city skins you just don't get it do you? The voters having an effect on the results is expected, but the people that run the poll should not touch it, or atleast they should make a poll that does not allow us to vote more than once.

They wanted to make it a fair contest and didn't think about all the fans that would cheat. So in the end they made sure the winner wouldn't have won because of their cheating fans.

1 or 2 to 5 votes isn't bad but 50 + coming from the same computer.

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Originally posted by Equality

Park city skins you just don't get it do you? The voters having an effect on the results is expected, but the people that run the poll should not touch it, or atleast they should make a poll that does not allow us to vote more than once.

Yeah I do get it Equality, and apparently more so than some here. A bunch crying foul about the last minute switch yet seemingly forgetting that many spent alot of time trying to basically do the same thing that Fox is accused of doing. Cheating. How? by in fact doing that which you said they didn't. They did limit the finals poll to one vote. Or at least tried. Take a look at the threads from last night and see how many were tying to circumvent that process. Who doesn't get it?

I have no doubts that Fox would prefer Lewis and that there is the possibility of Fox messing around with things a little. But isn't that exactly what we as fans were trying to do as well?


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Originally posted by NoCalMike

so is foxsports trying to honestly say that Raven's fans didn't vote multiple times from the same computer? BULLSH!T......

It is not redskins vs ravens it is fans of ramsey vs lewis, of course lewis should win because is more well known then ramsey, this is a popularity contest and all should be happy for how far patrick has made it

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I was just about to say that Mike33 was never going to get a right side up avatar and then I read the letter from the Fox Sports guy. Looks like I was dead wrong on this one. Mike, please accept my humblest apologies. Somebody yell fix, and I'll "boo" it.

If they wanted to prevent people from having too many votes, they should, and obviously could have simply limited it to one vote per computer. That would have limited most folks to no more than 3-5 votes. However, by allowing themselves to ARBITRARILY throw out any number of votes they wanted to from any duplicate MAC addresses, they've basically "put the fix in".

Yes, I am indeed bitter about this. Changing the rules of a contest AFTER it is allegedly over really chaps my arse:mad:

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