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Just to note:Within 24 hrs....Monk could be in the HOF and Ramsey "the toughest man"!


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Just thought I would let everyone know the possibilties that could arise within the next 24 Hrs....

Sad thing is...I think Ramsey has a better shot at the tough man than Monk in the hall...

Well! Cause we know our vote (we hope) affects a possible outcome of such an event...

Monk on the otherhand has Peter King putting in his 1000 votes for monk to NOT be selected to the "Hall of fame"!

I sure hope both happen the way we all hope it does...!

Who knows....Maybe were not contending against all those Raven fans with LEWIS....Maybe it's peter King and his Multiple voting that's hurting Ramsey...?

Does anyone know where Peter King lives?Just curious?:puke:

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