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Ramsey just on SportsCenter...


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Bubba, you got Cox digital? Seems they tried to update the cable boxes a few days ago & most of the boxes didn't take the update. After finally getting through to them over the phone I still have a four hour wait. :gus: The only thing I get to watch until then is Pax. :gus:

:cuss: :cuss: :cuss:

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Originally posted by bubba9497


PAX :puke:

At least I got to see the 6'o clock news.......at 7. :gus:

Channel 10 seems to be doing the "re-broadcasted news" all over town. Fisrt on Fox & now here. WSLS did run a story on Cox Cable though, so it'll mostly be re-ran tonight. No Ramsey interview however.:(

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Interesting that most of the NFL shows have had him on this week. It's my guess, but it seems like most of the media are trying to predict (in their own conspicuous way by having him do all of these interviews) that PR is going to be one special football player next year (and beyond). I guess they're trying to get a jump on everything. That way they can go to him in the next few years and say, "Hey, remember... We gave you facetime when you were just a beat-up QB before you made it bigtime."

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Well...I don't know which shows he was on, but a lot of ESPN shows are all in the same studios.

So his interviews on the Dan Patrick Show, ESPN News, SportsCenter, NFL Live - all a function of his being in the right building for all of those at once as much as anything else.

Plus, he was the last QB to beat the Pats. :)

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PR is the next up and comer!!

Plus I think he is already a "football guys" favorite for his tough hard nose play. He is bright, clean cut, personable....Add in the fact he is the Washington Redskins QB, and Coach Gibbs is one of the most respected coaches in NFL history, it all adds up to mucho "face" time. And a feeling of future greatness from him ;)

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