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Dallas fans-can you handle this???


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Just to inject another view, here:

When I first saw the artwork, I thought it was slightly ammusing, despite the overused cliche-ness of it, simply because of the skillfull artwork. (And, OK, maybe the subject helped, too.)

But now, I find myself suspecting that Coach Gibbs wouldn't approve of his use in that artwork. Gibbs understood the importance of winning division games, but he also believed in class.

So now, when I look at the same picture, it looks more like something a Philly fan would do.

(However, also being from the University of Oklahoma, I have to admit that the "TUCK FEXAS" shirts don't cause that reaction from me.)

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Originally posted by Larry

Just to inject another view, here:

When I first saw the artwork, I thought it was slightly ammusing, despite the overused cliche-ness of it, simply because of the skillfull artwork. (And, OK, maybe the subject helped, too.)

But now, I find myself suspecting that Coach Gibbs wouldn't approve of his use in that artwork. Gibbs understood the importance of winning division games, but he also believed in class.

So now, when I look at the same picture, it looks more like something a Philly fan would do.

(However, also being from the University of Oklahoma, I have to admit that the "TUCK FEXAS" shirts don't cause that reaction from me.)

Philly fans go way beyond that(some fans not all). There are good posters on their MB. Joe Gibbs is a first rate coach and shows nothing but class. I think the Philly fans are just tired of losing and they take it out on the other teams fans.

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