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Very Important Draft question


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I have a question for everyone. Lets say we end up drafting Winslow Jr. at #5 and Joe Gibbs was the driving force behind this pick.

Does everyone here feel let down? does the high we are riding with Joe Gibbs back in Washington escape a little, due to the fact the consensus here is, KW2 is the wrong choice at #5?

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Originally posted by codeorama

The wrong choice?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not for or against Winslow JR, but to say anyone is the wrong choice is a little wacked out IMO.

Gibbs is the judge of what is right or wrong, not us. We are the second guessers.

Don't fool yourself Code, there are those here who would say KW2 is the wrong choice at #5. I agree with you Gibbs is the judge and we ARE the second guessers...

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Originally posted by toddlerdurden

No, they're doing their own research and have their own priorities.

What? You think we're Philly fans? Booing the McNabb draft because they wanted Ricky Williams? :eaglesuck

Philly fans? That is a joke right???

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Well, after Winslow catches about 10 TD passes, I bet we'll consider him a good draftee.

Really, I think Winslow is the only real grab at this point for impact players because we'll fill needs during FA.

But we'll see.

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I think it matters. If Winslow proves to be the player I think he can be then we'll praise Joe for a great pick, but if Winslow proves to be like Derek Brown or Johny Mitchell then some of Joe's shine would be tarnished. I know some of you are aking whose Derek Brown or Johnny Mitchell they are two TE's that were picked really high, and were complete bust that's why tyou don't know who they are.....unless you love football the way I do.

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