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Anyone remember the last team to beat the Patriots??


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I wonder if Fox will bring in Spurrier as a consultant for the Super Bowl :laugh:

The only thing I can equate to Spurrier beating Belichick is in video game terms. Those familiar with Street Fighters (ahh...the glory days of arcade) all know and dread the button masher. You could be the biggest bad ass at the arcade and here comes some newbie Street Fighter player who comes in and wiggles the stick around and mashes the buttons. There's no way to defend it and by some stroke of luck they wind up beating you. Spurrier came in and being the analytical coach Belichick is he just had no clue :D

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Skins deserved to win that game and had injuries not plagued us this year we still may have been able to pull out a playoff run late in the year...imagine haveing Ramsey in those last couple of games.... oh well.... Gibbs is back and it's time for us to get serious as fans for Gibbs's sake...he deserves it...

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Um, the Pats were missing like 9 starters. I'm not saying we didn't deserve to win the game, I'm just saying we caught a break that the Pats were decimated at that point and Brady played perhaps his worse game of the year. As far as the comment about bandwagon fans go, what did anything I or anyone else said in this thread that makes me or someone else a bandwagon fan? Bandwagon fans jump off the wagon when things don't go well and jump back on when they win. I'm here win or lose and will continue to be. Call me a non-homer but sure the hell don't call me a bandwagon fan.

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not to defend Spurrier here, but they did break down the gamefilm on NFLPrimetime and they did say it was a good battle because everytime Bellicheck threw a certain blitz package, Spurrier would counter it the 2nd time around and the they would be going back and forth on matchups, taking advantage of the other one's weakness.....So I'd say we deserved to win that game.

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