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Zen-like Todd

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Resented by refs, who have their hands on their little yellow penalty hankies as soon as LaVar, also known as Wolverine, takes the field. Refs keep their hands on their flags the whole game, the way Gene Hackman (as Little Bill) kept his hand on his gun at all times in "Unforgiven." "

I like Wolverine.

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Arrington plays the game with intensity but he doesn't go out of his way to injure other players like Bill Romanowski does.

I have seen him pull up on quarterbacks after they have released the ball so any perception that LaVar is a dirty player is just ridiculous.

There is a double standard in the NFL whereby some players such as John Lynch and Ray Lewis are allowed to lead with the crown of their helmets and flags for unsportsmanlike are never thrown.

Guys like Romanowski have been late-hitters and after the whistle performers their entire careers and while fined have never been suspended or shown the gate.

Meanwhile players such as Arrington get flagged for the most incidental and ticky-tacky plays imaginable. Another guy that used to get flagged a lot was Jesse Armstead even though like Arrington he never used to spear quarterbacks or go low to blow out people's knees.

The majority of the time Arrington leads with his shoulder and drives through the way you are supposed to.

The NFL has a lot of "trash" to clean up before it goes after players that are sometimes over-aggressive but in the main playing within the rules like #56.

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