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Vent about the 'Boys game thread

Guest SkinsHokie Fan

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

Here it is. Leave your peace. Defense needs some serious changes and somebody needs to figure out how to unleash Lavar. Someone also needs to lay a big hit at some point.

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

I'll add another thing. There doesn't seem to be enough "winners" on this team. Nobody stepping up and getting angry. Nobody pissed on the sideline. There is NO ATTITUDE at all

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Here's one positive.

I'm not the owner. If I was, they'd be drawing straws. Every loser gets executed. (one out of five will be losers; and I could care less if it's coles or if it's the 5th stringer. Coaches included of course.).

Just on the general principle that you put a dog out of it's misery.

WHY was Daryl Terrell playing on the OL? (He was in there in the early third I think.) Was someone on the OL hurt and the announcers didn't catch it?

Were they evaluating some of the scrubs with game time experience? That may account for the putrid showing, but I'd still shoot them......

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Neither Ohalete nor Bowen are the answers in their respective safety positions. Ohalete has really taken a step back this season - he consistently takes bad angles on plays as they develop with the Carter bootleg TD run as the most glaring today.

Trotter is really just becoming a bust. He was out of position today as well. If we wanted an average player at MLB, we could have just kept Mitchell at a fraction of the cost.

Spurrier, it appears, is just a really poor coach. I believe he's an X's and O's genius, which makes him a great strategist, but he's a horrible coach. H'e's not better than Norv. A good coach must be able to do more than strategize and gameplan. As much as I hate to admit it, Parcells is demonstrating what it takes a to be a great coach. A great coach motivates, inspires confidence, commands respect, and is able to squeeze every last bit of effort and talent from his players.

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I hate it when I go to a bar with my SKins gear on and I get ridiculed by those who aren't even NFC East fans...people in Broncos and PAckers jerseys talking **** about the Redskins...****ign embarassing. Trouble is, I can't come up with anything to say back because I am so pissed, and because they play so bad that I there is nothign to say.

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