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Pretty funny stuff here !


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Sorry,, my site is down. I got absolutely slammed today,, over 32,000 hits,, exceeded my bandwidth.

Some sportsradio station in chicago broadcast the address, and it blew me up.

If you saw it, yay... if you didn't,, sorry.

Anyone want to sponsor a successful website and a cartoonist who gets lots of fan mail?

Call me.


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Why don’t you approach some online advertisers directly if you are getting that kind of pub. I have a friend that simply went to a few other sites, contacted the advertisers after a bit of research, and received advertising $$$. He wouldn’t tell me how much, but it got him all new HW and additional bandwith.

There are probably some better ideas out there, but that would be my suggestion.

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Well, I do have an idea,, but it's not a reality yet... but soon enough micro-payments will be a reality, and once they are the whole internet will change.

As it is, the cheapest transaction fees around are about .99 .. AMEX and Visa are looking into the possibilities of seriously reducing service chargees to make accepting a quarter or a dime feasible.

Cat's out of the bag,, that's what I've been working towards. Building audience this year in the hope to cash in next year with a dime or a quarter per viewing. The way I see it, if AMEX and Visa believe there's gold in small payments, they will make it a reality.

I know there's gold in small payments. I figure my cartoons are worth a quarter to see, and most everyone I've approached about it thinks so, too.

Truly, if I can keep outside advertisers or sponsors out, I'd prefer it. And if they DO make it possible to accept a quarter, then I really don't want to have any partners. ;)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Extremeskins is honored to make Bang's cartoons available to everyone, and to be the exclusive site for the debut of his newest work.

We will have the links to the toons up here soon. The toons have been transferred to the Extremeskins servers, and we need to do a few tweaks to the HTML before we make them public.

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