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Monday Night Football ABC needs to make changes


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Originally posted by Rdskns2000

Nothing will happen until next TV contract. I something the other day where the NFL may give ABC 2 games to broadcast, starting in 2006. One game will be nationally and the other one regionally. So if the national game is a blowout, they could switch most of the country to the regional game.

that i think is a mistake, monday night football should be just one game not two

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If the NFL caves in to the networks and starts pushing games around, that screws over the people who are actually attending the game. Some folks fly vast distances to see their beloved teams play; this sort of thing would be a mark of total disrespect to them. It would be yet another signal that the NFL is looking the other way when it comes to treatment of paying fans.

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Originally posted by Bufford The Sheep

I said this before.

The Sports Media is at an all time low. Balldinger, Maas and Moose have ruined it.

ain't that the truth. People complain about Madden but who out there is any better? College games have better announcers than most pro network teams.

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Originally posted by Ancalagon the Black

If the NFL caves in to the networks and starts pushing games around, that screws over the people who are actually attending the game. Some folks fly vast distances to see their beloved teams play; this sort of thing would be a mark of total disrespect to them. It would be yet another signal that the NFL is looking the other way when it comes to treatment of paying fans.

but they change the start times of games all the time. Sunday to Monday is harder to juggle , but 1 to 4 or vice versa ain't easy for some either

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The opening of the program sucks. Michaels is fine. Everything around the game that they bring in is too gimmicky. They try to be 'up to date' and hip but it's just stupid. Maybe the producer has to go. Just show me the football game. For me, the 9pm game goes too late. I can't stay awake past 11:30 anymore(unless it's the Skins on). I wish they'd start it sooner like they did that one year a few years ago. Oh well, whatever...

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The problem isn't MNF. There were bad games 25 years ago. The "problem" is that there are so many TV options for people to watch that MNF isn't the thing to do on Monday nights anymore.

BTW, Michaels hasn't been the same since they broke up the Dierdorff and Gifford team. Ever since Michaels has competed with his co-hosts, whether that be trying to tell jokes with Dennis Miller or teleprompter gags with Madden. He's always got to try to one-up someone, and it annoys me. He's not the same as he was.

I frankly thought that Dan Fouts was the best color guy they'd had on MNF in the last 15 years. The problem was that he was lost amidst the whole Dennis Miller experiment.

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To me, Madden has become a charicature of himself. You could almost just cut and paste his comments from the Madden 2004 game to the MNF broadcast and there would be little, if any, difference.

There are many, many excellent color guys out there who would actually provide color to the game rather than rehashing black and white. I'd suggest Fouts or Collinsworth or Aikman as starters but there are tons who would do a better job than the ancient Madden.

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As Howard Cossell predicted, the jockocracy has ruined sports boradcasting. Any time you get someone with half a brain announcing games, they are fired in a year or two so that we have to get some moron that had 12 concussions in his career tell us how to run a screen pass.

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Well, all the announcer stuff may be true, but I don't think the announcers make very much difference. I don't think many people would turn off a game they wanted to see just because they didn't like the announcers. Conversely, I doubt many people stay tuned into a game just because of the announcers.

They have to be compelled by the product on the field. As Redman pointed out, the competition for the viewer (and the advertising dollar) has become much more ferocious.

Living on the East Coast, I would love to see the games start earlier, NLT 8pm. But I understand why they do it - they lose a lot of left coast viewers by starting it earlier. I remember being out in Palm Springs at a conference when they were doing the early starts and, by the time I got back to my room, it was almost halftime. I doubt advertisers are too crazy about that.

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I like Michaels, but Madden is senile. His comments haven't been insightful for years; just pointless drivel or stating the obvious in the most windbag fashion imaginable. He should have retired along with Sumerall.

Tom Arnold might be a humorous choice for an everyday color commentator. Personally, I think Riggins would be fantastic - he doesn't give a shiite whose feathers he ruffles. I agree that the ESPN staff is WAYYYYYY better than the pathetic MNF crew!

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Totally agree with redman, Fouts was excellent. But I think some of the analysts take a beating when they are actually quite good. I REALLY like the Buck-Aikman-Collinsworth trio. Collinsworth takes heat, but I like him. Baldinger sucks. And I've actually always liked Dierdorf, despite the crazy exaggerations :)

As for MNF scheduling, you CAN'T just switch the games late in the season. Besides the obvious logistical problems for the teams and more notably, the fans attending the games, the OTHER networs would never go for it, and I don't blame them.

Last week, let's say MNF wanted Eagles-Cowboys instread of Rams-Browns. Well, if a switch was made FOX loses their marquee game of the week to their competitor, with basically no compensation.

It simply can't work. It punishes CBS and FOX and gives ABC MNF a real advantage.

What they need to do is prepare and predict their scheduling better. For years, MNF has always "rewarded" teams from the past season that did well with MNF games. In the past, things were pretty predictable and safe. Now, they've maintained the same philosophy, despite the change in landscape in the league.

I could have told tou before the year to not schedule the Browns or the Steelers later in the season. I thought both teams would crash and burn. But MNF looked at last year and put them on anyway.

What MNF should do is look at recent NFL trends and take some gambles with their schedule. KC was not on MNF this year despite being an OBVIOUS choice before the year to be an exciting, competitive team. I picked them to win the West, as did many others; many picked them to win the SB.

Also, sticking with traditional rivalries is a good idea. Redskins-Cowboys will always get them ratings, and is usually a competitive/interesting game. Even when both teams were 0-5 in 2001, it drew a very high rating. Put that game on in the first 4-5 weeks of the year, and you've pretty much got a sure bet.

MNF needs to look very closely at the off-season moves, and less closely at the previous season. Stick with the guranteed rivalry games, and take a few chances.

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