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If Our Front Office Had Any Brains AT All


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yeah, we should bring him on as a coach!

That way if another ball is thrown up in the air to champs reciever, then green can run out and bat it over to champ on the other side of the field. Since Green will be using his faster than light speed, the refs won't even see it!

Why didn't we think of this before?


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Originally posted by RDSKNfaithfull

I could almost guarantee Champs attitude would have been different with Green on the team.

You lost a lot of credibility with a statement like that.

In all honestly, I can't believe someone would truly have an opinion like that. And then have cojones to "guarantee" it. :D

I'm going to make you promise me that you will visit ExtemeSkins.com at least 3 times a day attempting to read every single non-OT post in FedEx field since your last visit. Every day 5 days a week. You've got a lot to learn and you're really behind the rest of the class :laugh:

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Oh yeah, asking Darrell Green to come out of retirment twice, and making him break his own record of being the oldest defensive player in NFL history, and to go through another camp, to serve as a Mentor, wouldn't be asking too much for the guy.

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