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While I was mowing the lawn today...


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...and catching score updates on the radio now and then, I started thinking that maybe, just maybe, the media is right. Maybe Dan Snyder has ruined this team.

How on earth can a professional football team be this bad? We've been outscored 112- 16 in three games, which is incredible.

Good grief, this team is completely incompetent. How can a respected coach who, IN THE PAST, has fielded a decent team or two, show up for the season with this kind of squad?

You must be joking. Being a fan of the league's worst makes you kind of jealous of a team like the Browns, who figured out that maybe the best way to proceed is to hire an established winner at the college level. Butch Davis has the Browns playing COMPETITIVE football. The same cannot be said of the Redskins. It's very sad. This once proud franchise is in shambles.

I've decided that the next game I watch will be the game following their first win. The way things are going, that will be in 2002.

Is that sound I'm hearing the '76 Bucs getting the champagne on ice?


To whom it may concern:

Please disregard the above post. It was written by disconsolate fan who could think of no other way to express his profound feelings of frustration than to write the above.

I love the Redskins. I love the Redskins. I love the Redskins. There. That's better.

Go Skins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[<IMG SRC="http://www.extremeskins.com/ubb/edited.gif" border=0> by RedskinFan4Life on September 30, 2001.]

[edited.gif by RedskinFan4Life on September 30, 2001.]

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That's BS Dan prvided he cpital to bring in players to win it all and the media calledhim to hands on when he shoul have been.

Then he bring in a football guy like the media requested who we all knew was going to cut the deadweight and prima donnas.

WTEM said before the preseason started that this was a rebuilding year a one year probation of sorts. I can wait for us to bring in players that will bring it every down and game like the iggles and cowpokes


Take a sip of the Marty KoolAid and Believe

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It is absolutely assinine to blame this on Snyder. He wants to win, and is willing to do whatever needs to be done to reach that goal. The inept coaching staff that was in place when Snyder assumed control had to be replaced. It has been. He took the advice of some highly esteemed people (like a certain man named Joe Gibbs) when chosing Marty for the job. It has been horrible so far. Big deal. It's not Snyder's fault. He will persevere, and eventually we'll put the right people together.

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this team needs an enema. getting rid of Jeff George was only part of the equation. the offense played better at the start under Banks and he seems to be far more competitive and energetic.

we need to make some more moves. I would like to see Westbrook and/or Smith go. I have had enough of their "we need to play better but I am doing all I can" garbage.

Being 0-3, the door is closing on the veterans' aspirations to make the playoffs and pad their careers stats.

We need to start evaluating our younger players like McCants and Thompson and get others such as Brandt and Bryan Johnson out there as well.

I also would like to see more of Flemister and more of Carter out of the backfield lined up in the slot as a receiver.

We need to develop a go to guy on third down in the intermediate zone and right now Stephen Alexander is not the answer.

this offense is geared to making Alexander a star and so far, all we have to remember from 3 games are two dropped first down passes that killed drives and an incompletion in the end zone where he failed to drag his foot.

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I think there's more than enough blame to go around and that means Dan gets his share.

In fact, I'll go as far as to suggest that the skins plummet from grace can be directly attributed to two awful personel moves perpetrated by the Dan:

1. Hiring Cerrato

2. Firing Casserly while keeping Norv.

If Dan was an avid fan of the skins as we've been led to believe, why did he not trust Casserly? Charley's support of the Cooke families efforts to keep the team were totally justifyable under the circumstanses, given that he had worked for them almost all his football career and his problems with Norv turned out to be justifyable too.

Casserly was a very well repected, hard working, knowledgable football GM who was unceremoniously shown the door by the Dan and things have never been right since!

That's karma, baby!

You keep Casserly, let him run the team, fire Norv, never hire that loser Cerrato and let Charley pick Norvs replacment and there's no way we are in the boat we are in today!!!


The Norwegian Blue prefers kippin' on its back!

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I only blame Dan Snyder for pushing Cerrato to get Jeff George or visa versa. I think that in Marty's mind, he at least wanted the George to be put out to the lions, so Dan could see what kind of Gladiator he was. When the little trooper was devoured, he looked at Dan and said "what do you think" (knowing full well he gave that QB time to prove himself. Remember this "leadership is overrated".

Stop and think: When you go in a board room with a firm and they picked YOU to become their company superstar, based on the performance of some YOUR portfolio and RESUME, they are the last to need to hear: "leadership is overrated".

Mr. George, tell it to to Brett Favre.

Snyder is the owner and rightfully so, like Marty is always under the scrutiny and will utlimately be responsible for his pickings, actions, and firings. Comes with the territory. Per se, on the field for the players actions, where the dollars are earned, at least supposed to be, you don't need players that get your "achievers" hurt with silliness, stupid penalties, fighting, showing off (like Westbrook doing the first down pointing when his a** is way behind in points and the game's almost friggin' over), whining, and dragging their as* across the field. George sure knew how to "burn" timeouts quickly, immediately strapping his teams, he did it to all the ones he played on

Dan Snyder saw it like we did. He knows what that means. Instead of keeping him on the bench, like Marty the coach would have done, Marty the General Manager and the owner Dan Snyder fired him from the board room.

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Snyder has made mistakes and is paying for them now, but he has not made them this year.

His mistakes included letting Casserly go, the man Joe Gibbs told him was the most important to the franchise; Talking Norv into bringing in Jeff George and Deion Sanders; and incredible public relation gaffs.

But, this year, he has kept himself in check. He has not played the fantasy football owner or the spoiled rich man who trashes the owner boxes at opponents stadiums.

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