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Redskins Ringer......


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Ok, so besides being geographically challenged, I’m technologically challenged.

It’s 2003, and I just got my first cell phone. I hate the things, but had no choice. While setting up the phone is no biggie, I’m at a stand still on one issue.

I want it to play Hail To The Redskins when it rings, and don’t know the notes….breaks….and such. A Redskins ringer would be killer down here in Buc land, and with a wife who’s a Giants fan.

I would think more then a few folks have this, and would appreciate some help if ya could.

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Thanx to this thread I went to modtones.com to check if all of my emails had made a difference and I'll be damned....they have HTTR now! If you have Verizon service like me, you can get it.

For once someone listened.

Now, maybe this will work.....Danny hire a GM!

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Acording to the novel sized manual, I can download ringer tones, but it says I have to recieve a text message that contains the ring tones and save it. I have a Motorola V60i. I can however make my own with the sheet music if I want to go that rout.

Again, I'm new at this......bare with me..........And of course, thanks for the help.

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