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Who is our best DT ?


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Gotta Go with Holsey right now. He's making stops and getting the penatration that has been opening spots for dalton. His Pass rushing may not be amazing, but he is clogging holes and making tackles in the running game. Big time contributor, but should be the first guy off the bench on a great D-line.


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I guesss I could have done a better job with the poll. If I was going to include Brandon Noble in there, I shouldnt have asked for the most "consistent" DT. While Noble just might be the best DT we have, he definitely couldnt be labeled the most consistent.

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It's hard to judge Russell because I'm not sold he's reached the conditioning level capable of making a noticeable difference in the DL interior.

I'd like to keep Russell, if he shows something these last four games, and Noble will be returning yet can hardly be depended on to be the same DT he was or that his knee will hold up.

Dalton appears to have picked up his game, but I'm not keeping him at next year's salary. If he were to agree to redo his deal than he should be part of the rotation.

Haley has showed promise, but I think the Redskins felt he was going to give them a bit more pass rush. I'd like to see him healthy and in the reserve role.

Holsey, he's been the biggest backfield disrupter on our squad. Unfortunately, he's also an aging vet that can't be relied on to give the same effort or performance next year. He may be a casualty whether we want it or not.

Chase... pack your bags.

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