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TDB: U.S. Bacon Reserves Hit 50-Year Low


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There was a video game that advertised SPLAT as a spoof on SPAM. (It stood for Spreadable Lips, Anuses and Teats.)


That's scrapple, more or less. I won't lie, I have nothing against a good slab of scrapple. Fry it until it's crispy though. Otherwise what are you even doing?

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18 hours ago, Dr. Do Itch Big said:

Wtf is scraple 

I was about to say you don't wanna know but after seeing China's recipe, I'd probably give that a try. The grey packaged mystery meat at the supermarket though, no, just no. :wacko:


As for baking bacon, every time I've tried it, it never comes out right.

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Just now, LadySkinsFan said:

Right, put it in the oven, set the timer, and go do something else.

Same way I change my oil.  Go out with a cup of coffee, pull the filter, come back inside.  Drink some more coffee/TV.  Go back outside, put in new filter and oil, back to coffee/whatever.

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