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Cliche's 'R Us


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I hereby swear to hunt down the next person (media types mostly, but posters too) who says the George / Schottenheimer situation was like "trying to fit a square peg into a round hole" and soak their underwear in Icy Hot.

For God's sake, fellow pigskins lovers, let's show some creativity:

It's like trying to market an adult film starring Marge Schott and Madeline Albright.

It's like taking NavyDave to a Mapplethorpe exhibit.

It's like ordering Chardonnay at Morton's.

It's like pinching an inch on Jerry Jones' face.

It's like getting the last word with Art.

Help me out here, brothers.

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is like...

...Expecting Anna K. to win a tennis tournament.

...trying to get a dollar to work in a Metro Machine when the line is really long behind you.

...expecting George dubya to speak eloquently

...me expecting to get laid by Jessica Alba


<IMG SRC="http://www.texaspitts.com/nakedskins.gif" border=0>

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-Expecting to see nothing but mild mannered English Soccer fans at EURO Tournaments.

To be attracted initially to a woman because of her intellect and not her 38D-26-36 figure.

I'd go to the exhibit . . . with paint thinner, clorox,as well as a hammer and chisel


Take a sip of the Marty KoolAid and Believe

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It's like

...trying to get CNN/SI to offer top notch sports coverage

...FedEx field trying to compare to the atmospher of RFK

...Asking Norv not to laugh

...Marion Berry preaching about sobriety and trying to end corruption

...Going to the Mall/Union Station/Woodley Park in July and expecting to have peaceful, tourist free day

...Buying Men's Journal and being sure that you will look just like the guy on the cover if you do exactly what they say

...Guaranteeing two wins against Dallas every year


The Redskins HQ Forum


[edited.gif by RedskinsHQ on September 27, 2001.]

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Pauly Shore playing Rooster Cogburn.

Gary Coleman playing the Terminator.

Snoop Dog singing the Barney theme.

Janet Reno gettin' down on SNL (oh, wait ... )

Elizabeth Dole hiding the little blue pills.

Osama bin Laden buying a Lady Remington.

John Paul II moshing at a Limp Bizkit concert.

Streisand dueting with Marilyn Manson.

Streisand dueting with Charles Manson.

Hanson dueting with either Manson.

Om knowing when to stop. smile.gif


(Gosh, Soliloquy ... I, um ... don't know what to, you know ... say. cool.gif )

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Hey, Marty got rid of George "like sh!t through a goose" when he saw that George was as "a french fry short of a happy meal", and "jumpier then a nympho in a sausage shop" on the field. George got "scerwed, blued, and tatooed" by Marty in the eyes of some folks, but with Banks "in the cat bird seat",and being "a real go getter", Marty could have stumbled onto "a diamond in the rough".smile.gif



Steal your face right off your head

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