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The immigration thread: American Melting Pot or Get off my Lawn


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59 minutes ago, Rdskns2000 said:

The GOP can't lose power; got to get rid of the minorities, who tend to vote more Democrat.

This it entirely.

Central American children fleeing cities that are statistically far more dangerous than Baghdad..."economic refugees - send them back!"

Cubans who make their way to Florida..."Political victims, let them stay!"

Edited by Riggo-toni
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6 hours ago, bearrock said:

That's a rather bold and unargued statement. Selective enforcement and prosecution happens all the time.  Do you think traffic laws are useless?  Most state's domestic violence laws used to give arrest discretion to responding officer.  Now, many require officers to arrest at least one or file a report why not (how many do you think write a report?).  Which is better?  

Truth is considered bold these days I guess. You wrote one sentence or so in order to pay lip service to existing laws, but wrote an entire paragraph on why they shouldn't be enforced, which pretty much seems to be applicable to anybody but a violent criminal.

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25 minutes ago, Zguy28 said:

Truth is considered bold these days I guess. You wrote one sentence or so in order to pay lip service to existing laws, but wrote an entire paragraph on why they shouldn't be enforced, which pretty much seems to be applicable to anybody but a violent criminal.

I think majority is in agreement that immigration system needs reform and that deporting everyone is not the answer.  People disagree over the implementation, not the goal.  You are papering over that fact with a blanket statement, followed with a tautological proclamation that what you said is the truth.  


In the process you ignored the fact that almost no law is enforced a hundred percent of the time.   Even Trump recognized that fact when he said on response to question about DACA that they have to be treated with tremendous heart (whatever that actually means).  


When there is widespread agreement that the law and its application thereof is extremely flawed, dogmatically saying that the law is the law and it must be enforced, consequences be damned, adds nothing of value to the discussion.  


It might be consistent if your view is that the 12 to 18 million illegal immigrants should all be deported, but then compassion for people reads a lot like lip service.


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5 minutes ago, bearrock said:



When there is widespread agreement that the law and its application thereof is extremely flawed, dogmatically saying that the law is the law and it must be enforced, consequences be damned, adds nothing of value to the discussion.  



No offense

What did your waffling add?

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2 hours ago, twa said:

The court has been pretty consistent in allowing border searches....why are phones different?


I cant he how it is different. Total waste of time. Picking battles would certainly help the opposition but they are obviously not going to do so. Thats how we got here. 

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7 hours ago, twa said:

The court has been pretty consistent in allowing border searches....why are phones different?


Yeah, I think it's pretty well established that people crossing international borders have always had reduced privacy rights.  Same reason they're allowed to search your luggage.  (Or to inquire about the reason for your travel, for that matter.)  


I think it's an offensive government overreach.  A dictatorial abuse of power.  (And a stupid one.  Seriously?  You think terrorists are going to leave incriminating information in their cell phones, and that Joe Border Patrol is going to find it, in a few minutes search?  It's not about fighting terrorism.  It's about establishing dominance.)  


But I don't think it's unconstitutional.  




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Story on NPR, as I was driving home from work, just now.  


Lots of anecdotal evidence, (but not much actual statistical support), that supposedly immigrant advocacy groups are reporting a huge surge in green card holders and similar people wanting to become citizens, based on fear that Trump is going to take away their green cards and deport them.  


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