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Wilbon's losing it


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What's with Wilbon? His <a href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A55372-2002Feb10.html" target="_blank"> column </a> in the W. Post today, past the part where he talks about Kobe, to where he starts to compare the All Star game to the Olympics, is downright weird.<br /><br />It reads like he has a huge chip on his shoulder about going to the All Star game, that it's as good as the Olymics, that the stars there are as big as the stars at the Olymoics, and that it's just as big an event.<br /><br />It reads like he has a huge Olypmpian case of penis envy.<br /><br />I wonder what set that off.

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Agreed. I'm a huge Wilbon fan and he can do no wrong as far as I'm concerned. He must have been very tired and let his emotions get the best of him yesterday. His articles on the Sydney Olympics actually choked me up a little bit. If they gave Pulitzers for sports writing, he would already have one. This article shifting gears to Salt Lake seemed strange. Only Kornheiser can shift gears that quickly and get away with it.

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Interesting Terry. I find it really interesting that Wilbon would take such a hard stance on the Olympics when he has admitted, as late as this past week on PTI, that he is an avid Olympic Hockey fan. Yea, he kinda lost it. Got all warm and fuzzy with the Ali-Frazier thing, which I might add, I did too. I don't know, maybe he's a bigger fan of the All-Star game tha the Olympics. As for the handful of recognizable and rich people comment, well, he obviously hasn't been here yet. Olympics cover a couple of weeks, I'm sure a few will make it here. (some already have. see the opening ceremonies.)

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personally, there is no way you can compare an exhibition like the NBA all-star game to the Olympics or any other sporting event when the competition is full bore and the results can truly change an athlete's future/career.<br /><br />as a Lakers fan it was nice seeing Kobe score 31 points and get the MVP yesterday, but to tell you the truth I would rather see the US win the gold medal in Olympic hockey. <img border="0" title="" alt="[big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" />

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I love Wilbon just as much as the next guy, but how can you go from putting Kobe on a pedestal to saying the NBA All-star game is better than the olympics? In my humble opinion, the olympics bear much more importance than a friggin' exhibition game, or the entire NBA season. I never hear about ancient civilizations who play 82 game seasons with an all-star break.<br /><br />The corrupt behavior of the IOC has kind of sucked the purity out of the Olympics, but I still love watching them. Maybe I'm an exception, but I find myself enthralled by skeleton, downill alpine skiing, and snowboarding.

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Wilbon goes off the deep end whenever the subject of the NBA all-star game is brought up. When the game was at MCI Center last year, he went on record hyping the NBA all-star weekend as the African-American thanksgiving. Kornheiser, of course, reminded everyone about that every day for about six months.

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Korny Toneheiser got on Wilbon about the article tonight on PTI. Apparently, he didn't get Wilbon's point either. And Wilbon responded with some babble about people accusing him of being "less American" because he was in Philly watching the All-Star game instead of covering the Olympics.<br /><br />It's obvious someone must have jumped all over him this weekend about this topic. Or at least had a LOT of fun poking him with a stick.<br /><br />4...

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Seems to me like Wilbon's column was a carry-over from the "Sports Reporters" show on ESPN Sunday morning in which the four panelists (of which Wilbon was one) seemed to be tiring of the patriotic theme being attached to everything, including the Olympics, which, the panelists argued, are usually seen as a celebration of sport, but this year seem to be seen as a celebration of America. Much like the Super Bowl was the prior week.<br /><br />I haven't been able to get into the Olympics (summer or winter) for a long time anyway........

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