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After watching the conferences today, I can say that I am pretty happy with my decision to stay with Sony.  I thought their conference was exciting.  Game after game after game.  That's all I want.  One more week til I get my Arkham Knight bundle!!


I really want to see more of No Man's Land.  It looks interesting, but I could see myself getting bored very fast if there is not enough action.


Really interested in this game:


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There wasn't any Metal Gear today was there? I don't remember seeing it in the Microsoft conference.

I'm still Not sure what the heck No Man's Land is about. I guess I just don't get it yet

Sony had a really good conference too


That's what I've been saying about No Man's Land.  I keep hearing about it and everyone saying how impressive it is, but it looks boring to me.  Yeah, it's huge, but that doesn't make a good game.  Seems like there is a lack of action.  I hope it turns around and ends up being a really awesome game, but I am not counting on it.

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I have to say, Star Wars Battlefront has blown me away. Listen to the co-op options yu can play in this game at the beginning, including the new Survival/Horde type mode. It founds great and it looks like an a actual movie. I'm going to get lost in this game

This is shaping up to be the definitive Star Wars experience

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I guess the big thing I look when these companies do these shows are the exclusives. I've never seen the point of showcasing games that will be featured on other platforms, simply because you have a timed exclusive for a couple of months or on DLC. That isn't enough to draw gamers to purchasing your system. I hated when Microsoft did it a couple of years ago, and I didn't care too much for Sony doing it tonight. I did really like that Horizon Zero game, THAT is the kind of game I could buy a second system over. But the FF7 remake, SW: Battlefront, COD, etc,.....those aren't real exclusives so why are they in your show? 


To be completely fair, I thought the same exact thing earlier today when Microsoft showed Fallout 4. 

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Here is Unravel that I mentioned previosuly. First of all, I really enjoyed this guy's moment, you can tell it meant a lot to him and that means a lot to me. This is a dream come true for him.

That said, the game looks fantastic, reminds me a lot of Ori and the Blind Forest.


Glad I wasn't the only one who enjoyed his presentation. You could tell he was nervous but he was being real and just wanted to share his game that meant everything to him. Can't really beat a game that's full of heart and imagination. Great moment.

I love little games like this so I'll definitely check it out (might have to give Ori and the Blind Forest a try as well). Another one somewhat similar to this was Limbo, great game.

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Put this in the other thread, better here...

So, is it me or is the ability to play last gen games like a year late? When I got my PS3, I played a few PS2 games until the PS3 library got. cranking. Now that both the 4 and the 1 are a year and a half in and their libraries are filling in. What use does the typical gamer have to play old games at this point?

I'll call that a huge swing and miss by Microsoft.

It's a nice feature, but I think both systems should have had that available at launch.  Why?  Because they could have.  Same thing with the PS4 launching without 3D playback capability and saying they have no plans for that.  Then XBox One releases an update for it and magically, PS4 updates the firmware to include it too.


I didn't, but I'm sure a lot with an Xbox One that wanted to play some 360 games repurchased the game or bought it again when they released it on digital.  

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Titanfall really had an impact on COD

In a negative way smfh. Blops 1 and 2 were my favorite CODs ever. Stop giving these noob 12 year olds what they want and give me a god damn cod without jet packs and jumping of walls :(

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Just adapt......run on a wall or two. After a week, you'll get on Battlefield and laugh at your failed attempts to run up walls or boost jump when you realize, wrong game lol.

See...that's what you, doc, and goon told me after i spent $70 on C:AW, lol. I just miss what FPS games were. Now it seems that, besides battlefield (hardline isn't great, but it's good), all other FPS games now have super jumps and ****. Whatever happened to a regular FPS game where I shoot bad guys on the ground :( lol

My adapt game WEAK lol

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In a negative way smfh. Blops 1 and 2 were my favorite CODs ever. Stop giving these noob 12 year olds what they want and give me a god damn cod without jet packs and jumping of walls :(

It's really not that big of a deal in the actual multiplayer matches.  At least it wasn't in AW.  Boost jumping, gets you to higher ground on the map, nothing more, nothing less.  

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See...that's what you, doc, and goon told me after i spent $70 on C:AW, lol. I just miss what FPS games were. Now it seems that, besides battlefield (hardline isn't great, but it's good), all other FPS games now have super jumps and ****. Whatever happened to a regular FPS game where I shoot bad guys on the ground :( lol

My adapt game WEAK lol

I love ya Chew, but in all fairness, you didn't give CoD AW a real chance.  Didn't you only play like a few hours and it wasn't running with us.  It took a good 7-10 days for it to feel right playing, for me at least.  Although, I will admit, I had played Titanfall on PC and then Destiny, so boost jumps weren't a big deal to me.


I miss it too, I want some go back in time CoD with WWI or WWII or something.  But I'll take what they give me.  If the pistols in AW were legit, it would have been a lot more solid imo.  Hell, if they give me teleportation and the game plays like BO2 (far as weapons, etc.) I'm down.


Adapt game weak.......LOL  

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