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Probably, I don't think they want to annualize that one just yet



Unrelated, But seriously, that SW Battlefront multiplayer looks incredible


Just an announcement, I certainly don't want it annualized.


Speaking of annualization, I may be the only one on the internet looking forward to more footage of Assassin's Creed: Syndicate. One of my favorite franchises, and during a setting I particularly adore. Though i feel I'm in the minority here. 

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Just an announcement, I certainly don't want it annualized.

Speaking of annualization, I may be the only one on the internet looking forward to more footage of Assassin's Creed: Syndicate. One of my favorite franchises, and during a setting I particularly adore. Though i feel I'm in the minority here.

I hear you. With as popular as Blood Dragon was for FC3, Id expect a similar expansion for FC4 before FC5 is announced.

Also, while I'm a little tired of AC, I am interested in the new one, ateast at first lol

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I'll just go ahead and hijack this thread now. Screw Batman, screw whatever little games Nintendo has. Fallout 4 reveal is all that matters.

Said it last night, I'll repeat it. Todd Howard of Bethesda said that Fallout 4 is the most technologically advanced, detailed, in depth video game that has ever been made. He revealed that they've been developing this game since 2011, just a few weeks after Fallout:New Vegas dropped.

If you guys have time, I BEG you to watch thus 28 minute video. More customization than I've ever seen.

If anyone on ES who considers themselves a "gamer" and doesn't buy Fallout 4, I'm going to ask PCS permaban your candy ass. This is the type of game that will change your life.



The fanboy is strong in this one ...  (or maybe you work for Bethesda :-) 


Haven't we learned out lesson from DAII, ME3, Spore, The Phantom Menace, etc. ? 


Videos released by the company and slick marketing campaigns don't prove anything.  That face customization feature has been around since FO3, its nothing new, just better graphics.  Wait until the game is released and you play it for like, at least 15 minutes before crowning it ...

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Put this in the other thread, better here...

So, is it me or is the ability to play last gen games like a year late? When I got my PS3, I played a few PS2 games until the PS3 library got. cranking. Now that both the 4 and the 1 are a year and a half in and their libraries are filling in. What use does the typical gamer have to play old games at this point?

I'll call that a huge swing and miss by Microsoft.

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Put this in the other thread, better here...

So, is it me or is the ability to play last gen games like a year late? When I got my PS3, I played a few PS2 games until the PS3 library got. cranking. Now that both the 4 and the 1 are a year and a half in and their libraries are filling in. What use does the typical gamer have to play old games at this point?

I'll call that a huge swing and miss by Microsoft.

I play old games all the time and being able to play them without keeping an extra system is a big plus. Actually my 360 red ringed on me so I haven't been able to play some of my favorite games in between new ps4 and One games.

It should have been available at launch for both by getting it at all just made my day.

I am so glad Square is finally doing a remake to FF7. Finally, someone with decision-making ability made a good decision. A timed exclusive isn't enough for me to buy a PS4 though.

That's awesome.

I just finished my softball games so I'll be updating with Ubisoft and Sony details and videos tonight

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I'm not saying there isn't a mechanism by which they can play the games, I just want to know what their plan is. Are they having games recompiled for the new architecture? Are they doing an on-live type thing where processing is done off-site (maybe they have some way of reducing off-site processing to reduce latency and that's why it needs local content on HDD).

I'm really just trying to figure out how they are planning to accomplish it.


Aren't both XBox 360 and XBox One x64-based architechture?  Why why this be much harder than a modern Windows PC playing 5-10 year old games built on Windows?


Scatch that, XBox 360 is PPC while Xbox One is x64 (AMD/Intel),  the whole "Xenon" thing confused me (which is also the name for an Intel chip series)


So I guess, emulation is the only answer.  Since the GPU is doing most of the heavy lifting these days anyway, maybe it will work

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I am so glad Square is finally doing a remake to FF7. Finally, someone with decision-making ability made a good decision. A timed exclusive isn't enough for me to buy a PS4 though. 


Exciting. As the trailer unfolded, I was yelling- to nobody in particular- that it was FF7. A bit beloved to me, as it was literally the first game i ever played on my newly acquired playstation system. However...


It was just a cgi trailer, so im not sure how "remade" it is. Still excited though. 

Back in a big way, on PS4 and releasing in 2016. I had all but given up hope.


Still skeptical. I remember the reveal trailer way back in... when was it? 2009? optimistic though. Shadow of Colossus is in my top 3 ps3 games. So ****ing epic

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EA up next at 4pm est.

Looking forward to Madden and Fifa news as well as the next Mirror's Edge but mostly, Battlefront and of course, Mass Effect.

Also regarding the EA Access, they are adding Titanfall today and Dragon Age Inquisition in the Fall. It's a pretty decent service.

EA all access is awesome. Well worth the money

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All this excitement, people seem to have forgotten Guerilla Games' reveal of Horizon: Zero Dawn. Personally thought it looked incredible. Then there was my personal favorite from last year- No Man's Land. And then.... phew, Playstation conference is dominating( bias fanboy admission). And Firewatch making its debut on PS4 as well. Very excited. 

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