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CSN.com: RG3 on Crowder: "We pray that it's not true" (M.E.T.)


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The media largely dropped the story. Prison escapes, brutal violence, and pool parties gone bad stole the lead story slots. Yeah for us, so far at least. The team just hunkered down and weathered the storm. There was no masterful plan, we just did nothing.  


We all know, the media drives what happens. if he was a well known early first rounder I think we would be seeing the media less likely to drop the story. The NFL does not give a rats ass about waiting for the legal cases to be resolved, and I half don't blame them because lawyers rule the land and delay cases for years on end. The media will just keep pounding away at the story until a better one comes along. The league is too concerned about their image, and will wait for no more than a few days of non stop media coverage, to make their move. 


Hopefully Goodell Mara and friends were on vacation and missed the story. 


This was never a lead story in mainstream media...and ESPN isn't reporting on pool parties and prison escapes.


Crowder isn't big enough a name to give this story round the clock attention on NFL.com, and it's mainly because no additional info has been discovered since the news first broke that it's not getting saturated in the press (which is a great thing imo). Crowder just returning to OTAs was reason enough for a new round of sports blog entries, tweets and online articles to suddenly pop up again. His not answering any questions from the media got repeated all over the place. If something actually happens--either good or bad--it'll get yet another round of articles and media speculation.

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Wildly reported?

I google it to see how "wildly reported " this was...last article was 5 days ago...

That's some pretty tame reporting to me

I didn't say "wildly" reported. The word I used is literally in my post that you quoted.

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The reason it may so quiet and you aren't hearing anything from Crowder or anyone else is because we finally have a legit GM who knows how to handle these things and keep on the down low until it is ready to be spoken about publically.

I don't need to hear anything from anyone until they have all the facts in and are ready to take action (if any).


I know we would somehow incorporate the messiah Scott M of spinning something positive.  Let's be honest here, this situation being quiet has absolutely nothing to do with Scott M and everything to do with nobody even knowing who Jamison Crowder is besides probably 30% of Redskins fans.  If this was Ryan Kerrigan, DHall, RG3, Morris it would be a 1 hour special on ESPN/NFL Network for the next 2 weeks and our GM isn't stopping that.  I'm not a hater of Scotty2hotty either I just want to see his work on the football field the next 2 years before we pretend he is taking us to the superbowl.


I like to wait for the facts as well so I will reserve judgement on Crowder, but as of now this pick will either A/ Work out as a successful 4th round pick or B/ A women beater Scott M bust.

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I know we would somehow incorporate the messiah Scott M of spinning something positive. Let's be honest here, this situation being quiet has absolutely nothing to do with Scott M.

I actually disagree with this. There has been a noticeable difference in the way the organization has dealt with the media since the new GM was hired. Much more tight lipped and professional. All offseason people have been saying what a nice change it is that we have no leaks concerning draft day strategies, free agents coming in for workouts and even doing an admirable job of not taking the bait about DeSean not being here.

There's no doubt in my mind that our front office has advised Crowder on how to handle the media attention from this story. If they aren't they should be, if for no other reason than self preservation and damage control.

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Couple things:


1)  The media in general is very reluctant to run stories where the only source is a random posting on a social media site that has since been removed.


2)  The only reason this story got any play it all is because domestic abuse is a hot button issue in the league right now.


3)  Remember how much attention there was to the RGIII "affair" that played out in social media when anything and everything about RGIII was news?

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Couple things:


1)  The media in general is very reluctant to run stories where the only source is a random posting on a social media site that has since been removed.


2)  The only reason this story got any play it all is because domestic abuse is a hot button issue in the league right now.


3)  Remember how much attention there was to the RGIII "affair" that played out in social media when anything and everything about RGIII was news?


Couple things from me lol:


1) The media in general did run stories on this. No reluctance on their part.


2) I think the bigger reason is due to how the issue came to light...posting those pics on the guy's own instagram account isn't an everyday occurrence.


3) If the woman had posted pics on Griffin's own social media account it would have gotten a helluva lot more press.

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3) If the woman had posted pics on Griffin's own social media account it would have gotten a helluva lot more press.


That's a good point.


The story is quiet because half the media is too busy trying to figure out how to spin this into an RGIII story because reasons (Jason Reid probably bought all the string, tacks, and photo paper in the state to connect the dots), and the other half is too responsible to make a huge deal out of it until more comes out.

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Couple things from me lol:

1) The media in general did run stories on this. No reluctance on their part.

2) I think the bigger reason is due to how the issue came to light...posting those pics on the guy's own instagram account isn't an everyday occurrence.

3) If the woman had posted pics on Griffin's own social media account it would have gotten a helluva lot more press.

Sorry, is should have been clearer. By run the story I meant run with it. Not just report what the facts were (which they did) but then also start speculation, debate, etc.

The NFL is huge media business. The fact that this got so little coverage when domestic violence + NFL = ratings bonanza is telling.

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I'm a little disturbed by the rush to judgement of some on here. I personally am going to wait until I see how well he returns kicks first.

According to his draft profile he's pretty good at it. Maybe he was just returning one when she tried to tackle him in the backyard. Sadly he made a spin move and broke the tackle.

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I didn't say "wildly" reported. The word I used is literally in my post that you quoted.

Lol ooops misread it...sorry about that. You write widely...I read it as wildly..

Might wanna make sure you are perfect before you make snarkey comments tho..because you literally have proven to be kind of an agenda person

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I think it's pretty interesting how different so many people's reaction would be if this was a Dallas rookie in the same situation. 


It would be very cut and dry evidence, not a wait and see approach. 


It would be further proof that Dallas only cares about scumbags not character


The quiet period wouldn't be credited to a quality GM, it would be Jerry Jones buying the victim off or making it disappear. 


Fortunately, I know Crowder is innocent because it was stated many times in the La'el Collins thread that the Redskins would never touch somebody with character issues or anybody that could even be questioned in a police investigation. It's so nice to be above it all, the view is great from the clouds. 

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This was never a lead story in mainstream media...and ESPN isn't reporting on pool parties and prison escapes.


Crowder isn't big enough a name...


Espn was obsessing over the NBA Finals, and countless baseball games. Note, NHL finals not included.


If there were ever a sports lull and then this story came out, rest assured ESPN would milk it until he got released.


Fortunately for sports addicts and Crowder, lulls are rare.

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Sorry, is should have been clearer. By run the story I meant run with it. Not just report what the facts were (which they did) but then also start speculation, debate, etc.

The NFL is huge media business. The fact that this got so little coverage when domestic violence + NFL = ratings bonanza is telling.


Ah, gotcha. In that case I agree with you completely...they haven't run with it at all, really.

I think it's pretty interesting how different so many people's reaction would be if this was a Dallas rookie in the same situation. 


It would be very cut and dry evidence, not a wait and see approach. 


It would be further proof that Dallas only cares about scumbags not character


The quiet period wouldn't be credited to a quality GM, it would be Jerry Jones buying the victim off or making it disappear. 


Fortunately, I know Crowder is innocent because it was stated many times in the La'el Collins thread that the Redskins would never touch somebody with character issues or anybody that could even be questioned in a police investigation. It's so nice to be above it all, the view is great from the clouds. 


I actually disagree.


We would have been making some jokes, sure lol...not about the player but about the Cowboys in general. But any serious discussion about this would be met mostly with "wait and see" comments. When I posted a thread about Jerruh being in some "controversial" pics with two rather young women, and the woman who took the pics suing Jerruh for sexual assault, damn near everyone here said "bull****" or "let's wait and see/innocent until proven guilty". We did get off some zingers at the Cowboys' expense, of course lol...but overall the tone was very mreasured.

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Couple things from me lol:

1) The media in general did run stories on this. No reluctance on their part.

2) I think the bigger reason is due to how the issue came to light...posting those pics on the guy's own instagram account isn't an everyday occurrence.

3) If the woman had posted pics on Griffin's own social media account it would have gotten a helluva lot more press.

One thing from me. "Couple" is a grouping of two. You have to stop after two.

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