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Cnn: Rabbis Plotted To Kidnap Husbands, Force Divorces, Fbi Says


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NEW YORK (CNN)– A group of rabbis face kidnapping charges after allegedly arranging assaults of Orthodox Jewish husbands to persuade them to grant divorces to their wives, authorities said Thursday.

FBI raids on Wednesday night led to the arrest of three rabbis who were arraigned in federal court in New Jersey Thursday, according to court documents.

A criminal complaint alleges that the rabbis charged Jewish wives tens of thousands of dollars to orchestrate kidnappings and accepted $20,000 for such an operation from undercover FBI agents.

Their goal? To obtain "gets," a document that Jewish law requires a husband to present to his wife in order to be issued a divorce, the complaint says.

In one conversation with undercover FBI agents, the complaint alleges, Rabbi Mendel Epstein talked about forcing the divorces with the help of hired "tough guys," who he said used plastic bags to cover the husbands' heads and electric cattle prods and karate to assault them.


That reads like the plot of a bad movie.

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Remembering one story like from The Sopranos, where some Orthodox Jews hired Tony to get a guy to grant a divorce. 


The turning point was "Paulie!  Get the bolt cutters out of the car!"

Haha that was great

Also, after they'd beaten the man he looks up defiantly and says something like "the Jews have been thru much worse, the Ottoman Empire, the Egyptian empire, and the Roman Empire. We are still here, where are the Romans today?"

Tony looks at Pauly and looks back at the man and says "you're looking at 'em!!"

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One thing I have never understood about people wanting to get out of a marriage that has-I don't want to insult here but- unusual religious customs is, why doesnt the person who want to leave just denouce their religion?  You can't hold a person to Jewish law if they are not Jewish.


Seems a lot simpler than having to hire tough guy rabbis- or did the rabbis hire the tough guys (would they have to be kosher or circumsized?)- to rough up a husband.

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