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Senator Ted Cruz (R-Tx) Is Fillibustering On Cspan2.


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Taking the Rand Paul glory route.  Accomplish nothing, but rachet yourself up in popularity among the GOP base.  


Good move if you want to run for President.  


Bad move if you want to be an effective Senator - asi I understand it, Cruz's colleagues are really starting to loathe him.    

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Here's my favorite factoid about Ted Cruz, the man of the people.


Ted shocked people when during [his] first week [at Harvard Law School], he announced that he was creating a study group and only people with high GPAs from the Big Three Ivies could apply for admission. In short, Ted managed to come off as a pompous a**hole at Harvard Law which is an amazing accomplishment since the competition there for that description is intense






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Taking the Rand Paul glory route.  Accomplish nothing, but rachet yourself up in popularity among the GOP base.  


Good move if you want to run for President.  


Bad move if you want to be an effective Senator - asi I understand it, Cruz's colleagues are really starting to loathe him.    

Was reading an article about that earlier today. Cruz is definitely starting to get fellow R senators to turn their back on him. But you're right, its the Cruz Show right now, not the Republican Policy (is that even a real thing anymore?) Show.

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I blame Rand Paul.  Now every idiot who disagrees with a bill thinks they should filibuster it.


Not really sure you can blame him for this. 


The GOP decided the day Obama was elected that the path back to power was to unanimously filibuster every single bill that's more important than naming a post office, and then point their fingers at the Democrats and yell "They haven't accomplished anything!" 


Now, I suppose that maybe, it was his idea.  But somehow I don;t see him issuing marching orders to the rest of the GOP, and having them followed. 

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Not really sure you can blame him for this. 


The GOP decided the day Obama was elected that the path back to power was to unanimously filibuster every single bill that's more important than naming a post office, and then point their fingers at the Democrats and yell "They haven't accomplished anything!" 


Now, I suppose that maybe, it was his idea.  But somehow I don;t see him issuing marching orders to the rest of the GOP, and having them followed. 


I could be wrong, but I thought Paul was the first one to actually filibuster something in quite some time?  

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Was reading an article about that earlier today. Cruz is definitely starting to get fellow R senators to turn their back on him. But you're right, its the Cruz Show right now, not the Republican Policy (is that even a real thing anymore?) Show.

 SOME fellow R senators are offended, I don't think he cares much.


I think I like him

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Why don't the republicans just vote to defund Obamacare? :)

They have. I think something like 75 times, by now.

They've probably voted to defund Obamacare more times than they've investigated Bengazi.

What they HAVEN'T done, is to come up with some kind of a deal that offers the Ds enough, to get it through the Senate.

They refuse to bundle anything attractive to the Ds with their offer. (Granted, merely accusing a Republican of anything bipartisan is enough to get him defeated in the next primary. AND it would take one hell of a lot of honey, to get the Senate to go along with it.)

Which leaves them with the tactic they've been trying for five years now. Wait till there's a threat to the country, which only both houses of congress can prevent, and then threaten not to allow the threat to be dealt with, unless the Senate complies with their demands.

But the problem is, every time they've tried it, at the last minute, their polling data has come back and said "if you actually harm the country as part of some threat to kill Obamacare, then the voters are going to blame the party that actually used this threat to try to get their way". And they back down, and they wait a few weeks or months, and then they strap on the suicide vest, again, and yell "I mean it, this time!"

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