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Pm: What Is The Most Screwed Up Thing About Your State? Check This Chart


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What is the Most Screwed Up Thing About Your State? Check This Chart


For all the U-S-A, U-S-A rah rah that goes around, the United States can be a shameful place. 

The below map lays out some of the statistically worst things about each state. It covers everything from health to crime to travel to drug use. Some states don't have it so bad (Ohio, the "nerdiest") but others
really kind of suck (Mississippi has the highest rate of obesity at 35.3% of total population ... and ranks poorly in the most number of categories. These include highest rate of child poverty at 31.9%, highest rate of infant mortality at 10.3% lowest median household income at $35,078, highest teen birth rate at 71.9 per 1,000 women aged 15 to 19 and highest overall rate of STDs. Phew.)


It's not 100% science proof ... some of the metrics are taken from purely qualitative rankings (i.e. North Dakota).

It's supposed to be a bit tongue-in-cheek, but some of the stats will really shock you.




Click on the link for the full article including rationale and source for claims

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The group of Deep South states have some pretty good consistency.


Yeah, you've got Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia with health issues.


Then in the middle you've got Illinois Missouri, Arkansas and Tennessee with robbery, bankruptcy, worst credit score and corruption.

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Even before I looked I knew ours would be taxes.

My 3 br house was appraised at 360k, and I'm paying 14,400/yr in property taxes. I hate ****ing NJ!


At least you have good schools.  My house was appraised at 1.5 mill and I'm paying 6,000 per year, which is nuts the other way.

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