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Leaking Gutters, Suggestions needed

Capt. Kaos

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This may seem simple to some and downright silly to others but it's driving me nuts!

When it rains I may as well have no gutters on the front of my house. You can get an idea from the pic what I deal with when it rains.


Anyone have any idea why this happens and is there anything I can do to stop it??

As always, TIA!

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WTF?? Are they clogged w/ leaves or something? Hung loose so they shifted and there's no slope to run the water to the downspouts? Almost looks like it is running behind the gutter down the fascia.

On the bright side, your soffit looks nice n clean

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Have yo ucleaned your gutters lately? Mine did the same thing until i cleaned them out with a leaf blower and pounded the gutter spikes tight again. If you have cleaned them already, I suggest a gutter guard. many brands out there on the market, and they work.

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This happened at my house. Our house was built new and the flashing that the gutters are mounted on was pushing up on the end pieces of roof shingles. Shingles should maintain the same angle all the way down to your gutter, with ours being pushed up near the gutters the water wasn't running into the gutter, but on the underside of the pushed up shingles and down the flashing behind the gutters. I climbed up on the roof and pushed the shingle ends back down all the way along the roof edge and it solved the problem.

hope this helps.

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Should have stated in the OP that the gutters are clean. I thought about tapping on the gutter spikes but wasnt sure if that was

something that was frowned on. I'll check on the shingles tomorrow. I just want to not have a waterfall on my front porch every time

it rains. Hopefully one of these suggestions fixes the problem.

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Check your gutters with a level, ensuring they maintain a fairly straight line (no sagging in middle). Make sure they slope towards the downspout (highest end at corner furtherest away from downspout). Slope should be like 1" for every 8' if memory serves me correctly. Anything that is close to level will cause the gutter to quickly fill up with water and overflow, although I would have thought it would overflow over the front end.

Definitely get this fixed ASAP. I've seen houses where the installers put the gutters up with the slope going in the wrong direction or made them level.

Good luck. At least it's only 8-10' off of ground!

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