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Rate the presidents in your lifetime.


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Since we seem to talking about ratings of Presidents in the other thread; I thought we'd just have a separate thread where we all just rate the presidents in our lifetime.

Start with the president, when you was born and go until Obama of course.

Just rank them with whom you think was the best president first and then go from there.

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I was born in late 68, so the presidents in my lifetime: Johnson(final 4 months), Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush 2

My rankings:

1. Reagan - far from perfect but he made this country better. His biggest achievement was helping to end the cold war.

2. Clinton- Bubba is growing higher as time passes. If it wasn't for his own personal flaws; I think some of the long term problems we face could've been solved. If there was no Monica, social security and medicare could've been taken care of.

3. Bush I- Well, he was good foreign policy president. He economic record was mixed, which led to his downfall.

4. Obama- He got some of what he wanted passed but I just don't see him as a leader. Hell, his biggest piece of legislation won't be fully effect until 2014 and there's no guarantee it will still be law then.

5. Johnson- I think we've seen that his social programs ended being a big financial burden. Vietnam is what really does him in.

6. Ford- I don't think he really did anything of note.

7. Bush II- I don't think history will change the view of him. He is and will always be one of our worst presidents.

8. Carter- A weak president.

9. Nixon- Considering he was a crook and used the government to serve his needs, he will always be worst president ever.

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I was born in late 79, so I was all of one month old when Carter left office. I'm not much of a political guy, but from what I gather.

Reagan - Pretty well admired on both sides, took down Russia, etc.

Clinton - I think he'll be even more highly regarded as time goes by. I think he was a pretty solid president, personal issues aside.

Bush 1 - By default

Obama/Bush 2 - Because it's too early to judge either of these guys, though I do believe history may treat Bush 2 better than many people think.

Carter - I've never heard much of anything good about him, but I never really experienced life under him.

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Reagan - Comes out well on both sides

Bush 1 - The list is short

Clinton - I actually like him and think he had peoples best interest at heart

Bush 2 - I feel like he thought his actions were for the best, but sadly a lot didn't turn out well

Obama - He is spineless and only working in the interest of his own personal agenda. Like someone else said not a leader.

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Reagan - Ended the Cold War. 'Nuff said.

Clinton - I have a lot of problems with him, but he squeaks in at two largely because he didn't screw up as badly as he could have and actually compromised on some things when the other party took control of Congress.

Bush 1 - Could have been second easily had he not been silly enough to get tricked into adding new taxes by the Democratic leadership, thereby reneging on his biggest campaign promise. His handling of the first Gulf War deserves mention.

Bush 2 - Iraq War was unjustified, Afghan War drew out too long, Bin Laden is still at large, government and deficit both ballooned during his admin. OTOH, the security measures in response to 9-11 have kept us "safe" since then. I think we need more time to really know his impact.

Carter - Much like Bush 2, everything he did was wrong. Why would you reduce defense spending during the Cold War? And his handling of the hostage situation in Iran was deplorable.

Ford - This guy was President?

Edit: Left off Obama, his body of work is far from complete.

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Nice list.
Reagan made the top of your list because you said he ended the Cold War.

Was Reagan's greatest legacy helping to accelerate an end to the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union? The stagnant Soviet system did seem to be in decline for decades. We'd already won the Cold War before Reagan took office. All Reagan needed to do was continue the tried-and-true containment policies Truman began and all subsequent presidents employed. The Soviet Union was collapsing from within all by itself. However during his two terms Reagan increased defense spending 35% against a weak enemy that we would never fight. This impresses you?

My best guess is that you like the image of Reagan, when his actual performance in the White House is a different matter.

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Reagan made the top of your list because you said he ended the Cold War.

Was Reagan's greatest legacy helping to accelerate an end to the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union? The stagnant Soviet system did seem to be in decline for decades. We'd already won the Cold War before Reagan took office. All Reagan needed to do was continue the tried-and-true containment policies Truman began and all subsequent presidents employed. The Soviet Union was collapsing from within all by itself. However during his two terms Reagan increased defense spending 35% against a weak enemy that we would never fight. This impresses you?

My best guess is that you like the image of Reagan, when his actual performance in the White House is a different matter.

Nice list.

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Reagan - Cold war, economic recovery

Bush II - Handling of 9/11

Clinton - Economic policy, ranked low for his "response" to the World Trade Center bombing in 96

Bush I - "Read my lips: No New Taxes", ORLY?

Obama is at the bottom of my list but his body of work is incomplete, but if his next two are anything like his first two then he will be at the bottom of my list for sure.

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Clinton - Very able administrator who proved able to work with all sides.

Nixon - technically out of office the year before I was born, but got us out of Vietnam and went to China restarting the idea of talking with those with whom we have ideological differences. Dishonest and paranoid, but a more than able administrator.

Bush I- Invaded Iraq, but had the wisdom to stop short of doing anything requiring a lasting foot print. Decades later still comes across as honest even if I disagreed with him often.

Carter - Way too much of a micro manager/teacher for the job. I still admire his thinking. probably a better ex-president than president.

Reagan - Took the thinking out of politics and drove it straight to Hollywood. The Iran Contra scandal still stinks even if the "I don't recall" has gained credibility since said. Perhaps worse, he has ingrained the lafer curve ideals into our political thinking. People forget he raised taxes when the receipts fell short.

Bush II - 2 wars at the same time? Really? Pay for them off the budget. Personal liberties took a beating under his watch. Amazing to me sometimes how a president willing to send troops into 2 wars simultaneously could so readily forfeit the liberties for which they fight in a cowardly attempt to provide a (false) sense of security.

Too close to Obama's time in office to weigh in. Oddly, I find myself giving higher marks to the 2 less honest presidents. I say odd because dishonesty is the number one thing I usually don't like in people. As the Wiki leaks continue, I am surprised at how honest we've been...it makes me think of Carter and his "I have never cheated though I have lusted in my heart." Note Carter is not very high on my list.

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I'll rate them based on their comedic prowess, intentional or not.

W- all he had to do was speak and hilarity ensued

Ford- slapstick genius

Clinton - never enhaled. Bwaahhhaaahaaa. Had lots of good one liners.

Reagan - actually a pretty funny guy with a quick, sarcastic wit when he was at his best.

Obama- not really funny to me, his jokes are overly complicated. I'm sure some people find them funny.

Bush - not funny, unless you count Dana Carvey imitations

Carter - if he was funny at all, I was to young to understand it

Nixon - see Carter. Still, I thought I'd put him last just for fun.

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