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Control vs Regulate


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They are not mutually exclusive. Something can be regulated and controlled. Controlled substances are regulated. So are some non-controlled substances.

This is better than mine.


  1. to control or direct by a rule, principle, method, etc.: to regulate household expenses.
  2. to adjust to some standard or requirement, as amount, degree, etc.: to regulate the temperature.
  3. to adjust so as to ensure accuracy of operation: to regulate a watch.
  4. to put in good order: to regulate the digestion.


  1. to exercise restraint or direction over; dominate; command.
  2. to hold in check; curb: to control a horse; to control one's emotions.
  3. to test or verify (a scientific experiment) by a parallel experiment or other standard of comparison.
  4. to eliminate or prevent the flourishing or spread of: to control a forest fire.

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