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UGO: The 100 Best Movie Spaceships


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it all starts and stops with Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey. I could care less about who got which pixels to look more like what some nerd thinks a space ship should look like. Kubrick made models, hired artists and generally shot the hell out of what he had in front of him. The way Kubrick moved the camera to get different effects to mimic deep space has been copied countless times.

If Kubrick had not shot that movie so well, I doubt space movies would have as large an audience as they do today. had he not layed the groundwork, the opening scene from Star Wars never would have been filmed the way it was and the film might not have had the same impact if people did not start the story off with that large Empire ship chasing the rebels. Had Star Wars not been a huge success, I doubt there would even be 100 movies to pick spaceships from.

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My top 3:

#1 Super Star Destroyer

#2 Star Destroyer (Bit smaller that #1 afterall)

#3 Klingon Bird of Prey (Star Trek #3 and #4)

(There is one TV Series Ship that outdoes them all - certainly not in looks but in capability though, the Tardis. I spent my pre-teen years in the UK).

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Woulda rated the X-Wing higher, good ranking on the Super Star Destroyer and Enterprise, and the Falcon had to be #1.

I would have added a regular Star Destroyer, the Death Star, and a Corellian Corvette (for those of you not in Star Wars nerd mode, that's Leia's ship at the beginning of A New Hope).

I also think the Enterprise from ST:TNG should have been in there.

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Never in theaters. ;)

But if we start counting TV shows, I nominate this bad boy.

B5 had some good space craft in it.

What about Moya from Farscape. Living ships are pretty cool.

Only on tv, though. Disqualified, unfortunately. There are quite a few tv space ships that were better. Really most things from Star Wars and Star Trek would out class most of the stuff on the list, IMO.

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That's no moon, it's a SPACE STATION
Grrrrrr. But the Death Star could travel interstellar distances.
Where was the Galactica? Other than that it was still a fun list to read. Scratched my nerd itch.
The list authors may have forgotten there was an old Battlestar Galactica movie just BEFORE the TV series in 1978.
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Star Destroyer.

Never been a better moment in SciFi movies then the very beginning of the original Star Wars, when you see the little rebel ship and then the front of the Star Destroyer appears... and keeps coming... and more.. and more... OMG that thing is HUGE!


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Star Destroyer.

Never been a better moment in SciFi movies then the very beginning of the original Star Wars, when you see the little rebel ship and then the front of the Star Destroyer appears... and keeps coming... and more.. and more... OMG that thing is HUGE!

Eh. Frankly, I'm not that impressed with that scene.

I agree with the people who did the rankings. Kirk and Scotty slowly removing the wrapping from the all-new Enterprise is probably a really sucky scene for people who aren't trekkies. But when I saw it (at the world premiere. One of, I understand, two people who weren't invited for being a VIP.), my reaction was "I've waited 10 years for this!"

IMO, the best cinematic scene involving spaceships exteriors was the Orion ascent to Space Station One, in 2001. (In fact, IMO, there are very few moments in that film that weren't just completely perfect.)

(IMO, the best interior scene was the scenes of the astronauts going through their daily chores aboard Discovery. I also think it's one of my favorite uses of music in a film. That's the most lonely music I think I've ever heard. These are two people, so far away from Earth that they have to videotape messages to their family, and send the video on it's way.)

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Star Destroyer.

Never been a better moment in SciFi movies then the very beginning of the original Star Wars, when you see the little rebel ship and then the front of the Star Destroyer appears... and keeps coming... and more.. and more... OMG that thing is HUGE!

Hilarious homage.


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