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SHF finally will become a home owner


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The 18 month oddysey is finally over

After many offers, losing to cash bids or people wanting an 8k tax credit, I finally got what I wanted

A house (3 bedrooms, its in excellent shape), with a nice yard, inside the beltway (in Falls Church) for 300k.

Very excited about this.

Hey congrats! My wife and I just bought a house in October, but we've been searching pretty much the whole year. Ours was a short sale. So the price was $70K less than what the previous owner bought it for in 2007, but the we had to wait at least 3-4 months for an approval from Fanni Mae.

Anyhoot, it feels good to be a homeowner. Good luck on the moving, because that can be a *****. It took us almost 3 weeks to get all our stuff in.

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Sweet SHF. Made up that hanging in there has paid off in the perfect house for you by the sounds of it.

I feel your frustrations, having gone through a house sale this past June. I presently sit typing this in my mom's house, the money in the bank working for me, as I frustratingly wait to start my American odyssey. Not exactly the path I had planned when the house first went up on the market, but the chance to go through the college experience, all be it as a "mature student", lol; brings home again how surprising life can be.

Again, happy as for you and yours on your new "purchase", smiles.


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