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The Onion: Tiger Woods Announces Return


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...to Sex


PONTE VEDRA BEACH, FL—In an announcement highly anticipated by sex fans around the world, Tiger Woods told a small gathering of reporters, family, and lovers Friday that the most dominant fornicator on the planet would soon return to sex.

"Not being able to get out there and have sex has really been tough on me," Woods said. "I've missed it. I love ****ing with all my heart."

Woods said that during his brief time away from sex, he couldn't stop thinking about one day resuming his daily regimen of sexual intercourse with random women who look vaguely like his wife, only skankier.

"When I am out there having sex, I am in complete control," said Woods, an acknowledged master of the long game who claims he is only truly at peace when he is between the legs of a woman. "It's just me and my thoughts. And a high-end escort. And the lounge dancer. And sometimes [caddie] Stevie. And probably some stewardess I just met."

"I'm so into it that I usually just block out all the cameras," Woods added.

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Actually, when I heard that his "press conference" wasn't going to allow any questions whatsoever, the satire new story I imagined was "ESPN, today, received a videotape, allegedly showing Tiger Woods, standing in front of a cave, somewhere in a mountainous region. Authorities are attempting to authenticate the tape, and to determine how recently it may have been recorded."

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