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Anyone familiar with hernias ?


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I'm pretty certain that I have a hernia.

I want to try to wait til Monday to see my regular Doc, who will probably then set up surgery for me, rather than get stuck in the E.R. waiting for hours.

My question is, can I do any serious damage, by waiting a few days to get the hernia fixed ?

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Thats where mine is, what makes you think you need surgery?

Isn't that the only way to repair it ?

From my understanding, a hernia, at least the kind that I suspect I have, is where the wall around the intestines ruptures, and the intestines fall through and just hang there. And you can either try to push it back through, which usually fails, or have surgery to insert it back in, and stitch up the leak in the intestinal wall.

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It's in my lower right abdomen, like just below my waist-line, close to the groin area

Sounds like you have an inguinal hernia. You should get it checked out right away as it can cause issues with your genitals.

Basically if you have what you are describing, then your intestines have bulged through your abdominal wall and are having a visit with your "boys". The intestines can wrapped around your testicles causing no circulation of blood to get to them; hence, amputation. Your abdominal wall can also close around the section of intestines that have bulged through and also cut off circulation.

The above circumstance is RARE, but it can happen. If you do have an inguinal hernia then you would definitely know it because you would be in excruciating pain. I know, I've had one and had surgery on it.

Get checked out.

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Isn't that the only way to repair it ?

From my understanding, a hernia, at least the kind that I suspect I have, is where the wall around the intestines ruptures, and the intestines fall through and just hang there. And you can either try to push it back through, which usually fails, or have surgery to insert it back in, and stitch up the leak in the intestinal wall.

Well I have a slight hernia, which only protrudes through when i do certain activities.

I guess I could have surgery to repair it.

Does yours constantly protrude, did it just come out this weekend? Mine will go back in.

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Sounds like you have an inguinal hernia. You should get it checked out right away as it can cause issues with your genitals.

Basically if you have what you are describing, then your intestines have bulged through your abdominal wall and are having a visit with your "boys". The intestines can wrapped around your testicles causing no circulation of blood to get to them; hence, amputation. Your abdominal wall can also close around the section of intestines that have bulged through and also cut off circulation.

The above circumstance is RARE, but it can happen. If you do have an inguinal hernia then you would definitely know it because you would be in excruciating pain. I know, I've had one and had surgery on it.

Get checked out.


Well it could be this.


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Sounds like you have an inguinal hernia. You should get it checked out right away as it can cause issues with your genitals.

Basically if you have what you are describing, then your intestines have bulged through your abdominal wall and are having a visit with your "boys". The intestines can wrapped around your testicles causing no circulation of blood to get to them; hence, amputation. Your abdominal wall can also close around the section of intestines that have bulged through and also cut off circulation.

The above circumstance is RARE, but it can happen. If you do have an inguinal hernia then you would definitely know it because you would be in excruciating pain. I know, I've had one and had surgery on it.

Get checked out.

^---This is the most common type of hernia Mick, I had one of these when I was a kid and had minor surgery to repair it. I was able to go home after the surgery and was fine within a few days.

The scenario about amputation above is a worst case scenario and like MIA said it's very rare. But it's a possibility so don't put it off for too long.

I think I was walking around with mine for several months before I had surgery when I was younger.

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^^^ Me too. Had one and walked around with it for several months. I was fine, but the hernia got bigger and they had to cut instead of going lathroscopically (sp?). I spent a week living on my gf's couch because I couldn't climb the 2 sets of stairs to my apt, and couldn't lie flat in the bed. My boys were swelled to about twice their normal size (in a bad way) for several days. But you do get some good painkillers

I guess what I'm saying is, you can wait, but don't wait too long

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Everything you need to know:

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i had the same hernia you have, (if you do have it), and I had it for a year. I believe it is called an inguinal hernia or something like that.

It hurt like a mother****er if i was standing up for more than 2-3 hours at a time znd since im a pharm tech i stand about 5-6 hours striaght.

I would play sports with it but it wouldn't hurt so much but when i went to the doctor he said i had a tear in the abdominal wall that was quite a bit bigger than normal. He never said i had to get surgery, but then again i never thought of refusing hernia surgery.

But yea i couldnt exercise properly and therefore i had to get it fixed. surgery was fine. recovery period is about 4 weeks.

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would someone please post the New Thread / Cat bite .gif for mick please?


I don't understand this comment

I can hardly walk due to a serious injury. I'm in need of surgery, facing possible amputation/castration, sincerely and desperately asking for help, my **** is turning blue from lack of circulation, I've had numbness and excruciating pain, and I get a warning about my thread starting ?

Should I post pictures of my groin area as evidence ?

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