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When did white people stop playing Halfback in the NFL ?


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So you're saying white people overall are stronger than black people?

I don't agree with that and I'm white.

You were saying that black people are overall stronger than white people.

I disagree with that "overall" statement.

But that doesn't mean that I believe white people are "overall" stronger than blacks.

But it means either

1) You could make a case for white people being stronger, or it's too close to call, or difficult to definitely prove either way.


2) White people are definitely equal to, or stronger than, blacks in at least certain positions in sports.

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Mick, does piggybacking off other people's threads amuse you that much, because you seem to do it pretty often.

So you're saying white people overall are stronger than black people?

I don't agree with that and I'm white.

I think their body make up enables them to have the potential to be stronger with hard work in the weight room.

I'd agree with it, and I'm also white. Look at the World's Strongest Man competitions. They're all white (except for the occasional Samoan). So either white people are stronger, or black people just found better things to do with their time than pull airplanes and flip truck tires.

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Boy are you asking for trouble. That other thread somehow maintained all the win and you decide to poke the bear.

Good luck to this one Mick.

It was an honest question, and not meant to offend, but to objectively look at.

It will only take the wrong turn, for those who choose to do so.

And besides, there's been at least one thread where an almost exact statement was made in regards to sports (not the bank thread), without much reprise.

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Mick, does piggybacking off other people's threads amuse you that much, because you seem to do it pretty often.

That is completely false.

It's no secret that I start a large number of threads, but one thing that I rarely ever do is piggyback threads. Extremely rarely. I can recall one time.

If you're going to make a blatant statement like that, then I challenge you to pull more than one thread to back it up.

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I'd agree with it, and I'm also white. Look at the World's Strongest Man competitions. They're all white (except for the occasional Samoan). So either white people are stronger, or black people just found better things to do with their time than pull airplanes and flip truck tires.

You're contradicting yourself there.

You agreed with his statement about blacks being faster and stronger, yet you go on to say that white people are dominant in strength competitions.

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You're contradicting yourself there.

You agreed with his statement about blacks being faster and stronger, yet you go on to say that white people are dominant in strength competitions.

Try to keep up Mick. I quoted Cbass's statement about white people being overall stronger than black people. Nothing in there about faster...I don't think you have to look much further than olympic sprinting and football to see the answer there.

But world's strongest man competitions...mostly white guys. Olympic champion weightlifters...dominated at the lower weights by asian countries, and at the heavier weights by European countries. So yeah, I think it's safe to say that white people have the capacity to be stronger, and black people to be faster.

Or, as I said, folks found better things to do with their time than flip tires and pull airplanes. That's called injecting levity into an otherwise potentially explosive argument. But rather than taking my quotes wrong, why don't you go find another thread to piggyback off of.:ols::poke:

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I think football's a better sport to compare the abilities of different races considering how it attracts a much much larger pool of talent. I'm waiting for someone to come in and say that there is no general difference in physical ability of different races.

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The best athletes predominantly come from the poorest classes. From the Irish/Italian heavyweights in the early 20th century to the dominant African American athletes today.

Saying black people are inherently athletically superior is ignorant. About as ignorant as saying white people are smarter- pointing to the white CEO's and politicians and lawyers, etc.

Or that white people are inherently better ice skaters, for instance.

There are very specific reasons for success if you look closely. That requires more than a casual observation about skin color.


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Or, as I said, folks found better things to do with their time than flip tires and pull airplanes. That's called injecting levity into an otherwise potentially explosive argument. But rather than taking my quotes wrong, why don't you go find another thread to piggyback off of.:ols::poke:

Instead, how about if you would please respond, instead of ignore, my other post about asking you to come up with some thread evidence to back-up your claim that I piggyback threads so much.

Maybe you're joking, and I apologize if I'm taking your posts too seriously, but despite having a sense of humor, I also tend to be a bit defensive when charged with something untrue.

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There are very specific reasons for success if you look closely. That requires more than a casual observation about skin color.


As I said, everyone except folks from Nordic countries decided they had better things to do than flip truck tires and pull airplanes. Makes perfect sense to me.;)

Instead, how about you respond, instead of ignore, my other post about asking you to come up with some thread evidence to back-up your claim that I piggyback threads so much.

Well, it's an easy position for you to take, isn't it. I say I remember you doing this before, and I do. However, the proof, as you request, would require me to not only comb back through your threads, but also remember who started the original thread, and what it was called. So you know what, rather than bother with all that, I'll just say that you're right and avoid getting into an argument with one of the biggest *Edited*on this board. How's that...Mick is correct. I even bolded it for you.

Edit* Since you added to your last post, I'll point out that I'm mostly screwing around as well.

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Try to keep up Mick. I quoted Cbass's statement about white people being overall stronger than black people. Nothing in there about faster...I don't think you have to look much further than olympic sprinting and football to see the answer there.

We just aren't seeing eye to eye. When I mentioned the "faster" part, that was just an irrelevant aspect, for the sake of including most of his quote.

You went on to say white people are stronger. Then I asked you to clarify that, because that would cause you to disagree with the guy who you claimed you were agreeing with.

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Jacob Hester is white and he plays halfback. Toby Gerhart is white as well and he almost won a heismann.

Too bad the Heismann means crap in the NFL.

As far as this argument goes, black people tend to have higher percentages of fast twitch muscle tissue which is why many of today's most explosive athletes are black. That explains sprinting and vertical leap but stronger, who knows...honestly this shouldn't be a touchy subject. Who really cares if someone says one race is faster than the other, oh well...it still doesn't change the fact that I don't have a car (movie reference).

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You went on to say white people are stronger. Then I asked you to clarify that, because that would cause you to disagree with the guy who you claimed you were agreeing with.

DAMMIT MICK, have you ever seen World's Strongest Man?!?! Do you see any brothers on that show?:ols::beatdeadhorse:

Of course not, because the ones participating in athletics are doing things to make themselves faster and stronger, not trying to lift god damned boulders over their heads.

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Too bad the Heismann means crap in the NFL.

As far as this argument goes, black people tend to have higher percentages of fast twitch muscle tissue which is why many of today's most explosive athletes are black.

I'd be interested in reading more

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