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SyFy's Caprica


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Pretty good show. Actually there have been three episodes so far. They skipped last week for some reason.

My one complaint is kind of petty but it bugs the hell out of me. With all of the cool set design and artistic direction, what's with using easily recognizable cars? I mean, I get using the old Citroën for the rich guy, it's got a retro sci fi look that fits and most people don't recognize them, and you could even imagine that it's a collector piece. But putting a 2009 BMW 3 series almost front and center in a shot is just lazy. At least put a false grill on the damned thing. Granted it was only on screen for a couple of seconds but the fact that I could recognize it and every other car in the scene took me right out of the moment and made me wonder WTF they are all doing on another planet.

Other than that, it's a cool show and it's interesting to see a back story about where the Cylons came from.

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That teacher was Atia in the HBO show "Rome". She was a bad ass.

I like the concept of the show. It explains why the Cylon's are obsessed in BSG about the "One God" thing, and why the humans aren't.

I think while having the whole Graystone/Adama story line is cool. I'd rather see the drama of getting the Cylon's into major production and maybe shown being used. I know its early so that might happen. But they better hurry up.

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Are you counting the last years movie pilot as episode 1.

I've been catching up by watching them on the Sy Fy site since I don't have cable.

Pretty good show. Actually there have been three episodes so far. They skipped last week for some reason.

My one complaint is kind of petty but it bugs the hell out of me. With all of the cool set design and artistic direction, what's with using easily recognizable cars? I mean, I get using the old Citroën for the rich guy, it's got a retro sci fi look that fits and most people don't recognize them, and you could even imagine that it's a collector piece. But putting a 2009 BMW 3 series almost front and center in a shot is just lazy. At least put a false grill on the damned thing. Granted it was only on screen for a couple of seconds but the fact that I could recognize it and every other car in the scene took me right out of the moment and made me wonder WTF they are all doing on another planet.

Other than that, it's a cool show and it's interesting to see a back story about where the Cylons came from.

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I like it, but it IS starting off rather slow. I really like the direction they took with regards to "what makes a person a person" with regards to the avatars. If they look, act, think, and talk like the real person...but aren't a physical entity, what does that mean? Idea-wise, it fits very much in with the Galactica mythos...I am very interested to see where it goes.

PS: Does anyone else think that the Greystone "house" looks a lot like Baltars? Coincidence?

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PS: Does anyone else think that the Greystone "house" looks a lot like Baltars? Coincidence?

It is the same house.

Also, I think they skipped a week so as to not compete with the opening ceremonies of the Olympics, which for some reason, some people would rather watch.

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I tried to get into Battlestar Galactica, but the camerawork was borderline unwatchable. After the director's third "shake-shake-blur-shake-ZOOM!" moment, which came about 30 seconds into the first action scene, I was done. Once you notice it, it's impossible not to get highly annoyed by it. You'd think the guy would have been able to find a second gimmick somewhere.

Caprica is interesting, but definitely slooooow. I'm finding the "origins" story interesting even though I have absolutely no idea (and don't really care) where it leads within the greater story. SyFy really elevated the commercial density with the newest episode, to the point where the show is not so compelling to me anymore given its slow pace. I'd like to follow it, but maybe as a DVR-only thing.

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i loved BSG, i cant really stand caprica. its too slow and too boring. and SGU sucks too for the same reasons. they shouldnt have ended BSG and they shouldnt have canceled stargate atlantis. but ill keep watching caprica until something better shows up. too bad white collar moved from friday.

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I LOVED BSG, loved it. I was mildly interested in Caprica, the VR stuff was really interesting to me, the "birth" of cyclons etc. However, the slow pace of the show was a turn off, but the moment where I decided I was done watching was when Zoes mother went up and told the memorial her daugther had blown them up was such a stupid / unbelieveable plot point I turned the channel after it, and I won't watch it again.

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