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Why isn't there a right wing answer to the daily show or colbert show?


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For what it's worth, G W Bush took it with amazing grace and composure and if I recall correctly so did Bill Clinton. In a weird way, being roasted is the bigger honor. It means that you are worth being targeted and I think some politicians understand that and take it as a point of pride.

Used to be a regular listener to a comedy group called The Capital Steps. They're a bunch of congressional staffers who started doing political humor at office parties, then moved into Georgetown, and started doing radio and things.

Heard them interviewed once, on NPR. Interviewer pointed out that these people work for a bunch of people who are notorious for having huge egos and vast power, and they ridicule them.

The question was: Have you ever been pressured or ordered to stay away from certain topics or people, or they'll lose their day job?

The answer was that the only kinds of pressure from above they've ever had is from members of Congress wanting to know why they haven't been made fun of, lately.

They said that the folks at that level believe that being disliked is a necessary part of their job. That if they aren't receiving a certain amount of hate mail, for example, then they aren't standing out from the crowd enough.

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It really is simple.. Liberals have no problem with self deprication. They revel in making fun of themselves which gives them more pathos (is that the right word?) when making fun of others..

Conservatives tend to be self righteous and defensive.. They think they are above criticism.. so when they try to make fun of others it just seems jerkish and unlikable..

Glenn Beck has no problem making fun of himself which is why he could pull off some jokes.. Same thing with Dennis Miller (who I think is freaking hilarious and really underrated as a comedian). Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity are so self righteous there's no way for them to be funny..

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Used to be a regular listener to a comedy group called The Capital Steps. They're a bunch of congressional staffers who started doing political humor at office parties, then moved into Georgetown, and started doing radio and things.

Heard them interviewed once, on NPR. Interviewer pointed out that these people work for a bunch of people who are notorious for having huge egos and vast power, and they ridicule them.

The question was: Have you ever been pressured or ordered to stay away from certain topics or people, or they'll lose their day job?

The answer was that the only kinds of pressure from above they've ever had is from members of Congress wanting to know why they haven't been made fun of, lately. lirty dies is always funny.

They said that the folks at that level believe that being disliked is a necessary part of their job. That if they aren't receiving a certain amount of hate mail, for example, then they aren't standing out from the crowd enough.

Yup, and the Cap Steps can still be quite funny. Although nowadays, I think they are more of a professional troupe than staffers which has diminished the act some.

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Humor is such subjective concept it's hard to really judge as to whether a right wing answer to the Daily Show or Colbert could ever truly work. Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert carved their niche in the marketplace

The comparisions would be a huge hurdle for it to overcome.

Does Jon Stewart have a liberal slant...I can't deny it the evidence is there. However he does take shots at liberals when it is called for....maybe not as much as some would like...but hey to each their own.

Bottom line I am big fan of the show and I take the point of view of Ted Koppel..."The Daily Show is an editorial cartoon come to life."

Stephen Colbert he's funny and he does a good show I watch him as well.

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Actually, the thought that's been occurring to me for the last day or so is:

Why are there so many right wingers who can't look at something that's funny and entertaining without saying "Y'know what would make this better? Intentional right-wing political spin."?

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Actually, the thought that's been occurring to me for the last day or so is:

Why are there so many right wingers who can't look at something that's funny and entertaining without saying "Y'know what would make this better? Intentional right-wing political spin."?

I think it's because they honestly don't see right wing political spin as intentional. That type of coverage has become their reality.

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It really is simple.. Liberals have no problem with self deprication. They revel in making fun of themselves which gives them more pathos (is that the right word?) when making fun of others..

Conservatives tend to be self righteous and defensive.. They think they are above criticism.. so when they try to make fun of others it just seems jerkish and unlikable..

Glenn Beck has no problem making fun of himself which is why he could pull off some jokes.. Same thing with Dennis Miller (who I think is freaking hilarious and really underrated as a comedian). Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity are so self righteous there's no way for them to be funny..

I tend to agree

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this is an interesting habit that conservatives are constantly engaging in. making up an imaginary story about how liberals would act in a hypothetical situation, and then getting worked up and railing against this fantasy. none of the events in the above post happened anywhere but in the poster's imagination, but they enrage him as if they were real.
Beermuscles pwned.
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That annoyed me too. It seems like so far, this season, he has started to let his guests actually speak.

i know. That is why its kinda stupid to have that segment. Colbert could be a good interviewer if he tried, instead he tries to make every statement made by the guest into some backwards joke. Its funny half the time, the other half i just wish he would ask better questions.
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