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Why isn't there a right wing answer to the daily show or colbert show?


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Even though Stewart is a Democrat, it's been demonstrated on this forum numerous times that they don't play favorites when it comes to satire.

I remember last year hearing all about how with Obama's election the show would have nothing to make fun of, (some even claimed it would be cancelled due to a lack of material, or a lack of desire to make fun of Obama) and it just hasn't been the case. They fire slings and arrows at everyone.


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The reason the two shows are successful is because neither show strays too far from the middle. Colbert is a registered democrat but has mostly conservative beliefs and values. Plus these guys are hilarious, I can't name one funny hardcore republican off the top of my head. (Glenn Beck is funny but no on purpose)

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The reason the two shows are successful is because neither show strays too far from the middle. Colbert is a registered democrat but has mostly conservative beliefs and values. Plus these guys are hilarious, I can't name one funny hardcore republican off the top of my head. (Glenn Beck is funny but no on purpose)

colbert doesn't have conservative values or beliefs. He is very religious but he definitely is left wing.

There was a comedy show on Fox News and it failed. Ah yeah it was called the The 1/2 Hour News Hour. Also, The Colbert Report could be considered the right wing answer to some. I remember a survey of cons watching it thinking Colbert is actually that conservative.

Yea i saw that survey. That is pretty funny considering colbert is making points from the right wing so outlandish so as to poke fun at those ideas.

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Yeah, Colbert jabs at Republican ideals with pitchforks and **** swords. Not very subtle.

But funny as all hell.

He manages to lampoon both sides, but he manages to do it in such a way as to show how absurd a lot of the every day political workings are.


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Because the GOP has made an art form out of shooting oneself in the foot?

(And in an attempt to defuse any partisan bombs, I'll yet again remind the posters out there in Tailgateland that I hold about as much love for Democrats as I do for Sidney Crosby... and I really don't like Sidney Crosby.)

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there have been conservative comedy shows like the daily show, dennis miller had one and I liked it from what I watched of it. I didnt watch alot of it to be honest, and the reason is cause if I want politics Im gonna watch a political show not a political show veiled as a comedy show.

As for the rest of repubs, I think they get thier fill from limbaugh. Rush is a straight up entertainment show, Im sure he views himself a political commentator but it seems that he focuses alot of satire and comedy bits. Again I havent ever listend to his show, dont even listen to the radio at all.

I dont think I would like any show that was clearly supporting one side over the other and using comedy as their weapon to deminish their enemy. A balanced attack is funnier to me, cause then I dont feel like Im just watching propaganda. So Im not saying Im every Repub, but it could be why we dont watch one sided bashing as much on tv. We all get enough of that from the news services themselves.

Also I dont think its fair to say the daily show bashes the left, he does make jokes on them but they are much much more subdued. He definately doesnt do near the same to the left as he does to anyone on the right.

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Even though Stewart is a Democrat, it's been demonstrated on this forum numerous times that they don't play favorites when it comes to satire.

I remember last year hearing all about how with Obama's election the show would have nothing to make fun of, (some even claimed it would be cancelled due to a lack of material, or a lack of desire to make fun of Obama) and it just hasn't been the case. They fire slings and arrows at everyone.


For every 10 arrows shot at republicans, they shoot one obligatory arrow at a democrat. And at a democrat they don't care about. Like the real crazy ones.

Has Stewart covered the Pelosi Copenhagen scam yet?

No? Shocking.

Had that been a republican, he would have already sent a correspondent to file a report.

I'm not expecting to see Chris Matthews, Olberjoke or Stepahack cover it either.

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dennis miller's stuff since 2001 favors right wing.

I like that Stewart and Colbert have been calling out the left given they've been letting people down because they don't unify. People tend to forget that before Bush part of what made Stewart;s career at DS was poking fun at Clinton and the left as well as the right.

Ann Coulter, btw, doesn't mean to be funny, but most of wht she says is so extreme and stupid that you can't help but laugh.

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there have been conservative comedy shows like the daily show, dennis miller had one and I liked it from what I watched of it. I didnt watch alot of it to be honest, and the reason is cause if I want politics Im gonna watch a political show not a political show veiled as a comedy show.

As for the rest of repubs, I think they get thier fill from limbaugh. Rush is a straight up entertainment show, Im sure he views himself a political commentator but it seems that he focuses alot of satire and comedy bits. Again I havent ever listend to his show, dont even listen to the radio at all.


You've never heard the show, but you know how it's formatted?

That's for a photo shoot, not his show.

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Isn't this just for a photo shoot? And it's not like Beck was secretly being video taped before going on the air, it actually just seems like he's poking fun at himself. What am I missing here?

As to the thread topic, I think there are probably plenty of comedians who are economic conservatives (obviously this doesn't exactly make for the best comedic material, so it's not talked about on stage). Most comedians seem to lean moderate to liberal on social issues, though.

Dennis Miller is a well known conservative... and any of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour guys.... Dennis Leary.... Carlin even seemed to have some conservative tendencies.

For show comparisons, Rush and O'Reilly are closest in the entertainment value... obviously they're not completely comedic shows (considering Stewart and Colbert are actually on a station called *Comedy* Central).

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Isn't this just for a photo shoot? And it's not like Beck was secretly being video taped before going on the air, it actually just seems like he's poking fun at himself. What am I missing here?)

I think you're right. It was for a photoshoot. However, Beck seems to take his crying about this and that pretty seriously. Maybe he actually has a side where he is unafraid to make fun of himself for it, but since his mock outrage and crying diatribes are what he is known for it seems like he would want to keep up the appearance that it is all 100% real.

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