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How not to take a stand against cell phones and driving...

Mad Mike

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Sassy Google Employee To Arrington: You Shall Not Pass Whilst Talking and Driving!


Yesterday, TechCrunch's Michael Arrington was driving around Google's campus, talking on his phone trying to figure out where exactly his meeting was. One righteous Googler didn't approve of Arrington's potentially unsafe talking-while-driving, so he took a stand. Literally.

"...this guy, who's wearing a Google employee badge, decides it's time to take a stand against cell phone use in cars. So he stands in front of my car and won't move...Cars behind me start swerving. I back up to go around him. He steps forward, vigilant in his defense of the law. I'm off the phone now, and snapping this picture didn't help getting him to move on. The light changes. The light changes again. Cars are now backed up behind me...I'm not sure what comes next in a situation like this. I can either drive over him or park my car. So I put the car in park, open the door to get out and discuss the situation with him. That's when he ran away. His mission, apparently, accomplished."

The geek in question...


It's notable to me that the guy on the cell phone was stopped at a light when this started, not driving through dangerous traffic. And by blocking traffic, the geek himself was breaking the law and creating a dangerous traffic situation.

And on a personal note, just looking at the little dweeb makes me want to kick his ass. :ols:

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Yeah, I saw that too. I chalked it up to the guy wanting to emphasize that the light was red.

But once it becomes clear that the photo was altered, anything could be possible. Maybe it was green in the original shot.

Of course, it would be more impressive if this guy was a Microsoft employee who had to stop for a deer in the middle of nowhere, and then altered the shot to look like some Google kid blocking his car in Mountain View.

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Perhaps Dweebo was feeling empowered in the cozy confines of the Google campus, like a reckless pedestrian crossing the street in a college town.

Making this kind of situation worse won't make it better.

Pedestrians have the right of way in the crosswalk! I assume you're talking about j-walking, but cars SPEED through college towns and don't stop for peds at crosswalks :mad:

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Yeah, I saw that too. I chalked it up to the guy wanting to emphasize that the light was red.

But once it becomes clear that the photo was altered, anything could be possible. Maybe it was green in the original shot.

That's what I'm saying. If said person, with said vested interest, shows the light red, and the kid is in the crosswalk, no foul. If it's green, then he's obstructing traffic and disobeying a traffic control device. (At a minimum/)

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Pedestrians have the right of way in the crosswalk! I assume you're talking about j-walking, but cars SPEED through college towns and don't stop for peds at crosswalks :mad:

When crossing the street around campus here, regardless of right of way, I generally think back to that Conservation of Momentum formula. :)

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When I first saw that photo I thought it looked 'shopped too, but I don't think it was.

I've seen strange effects like that before on cell phone cameras. The CCDs aren't very good and can be overwhelmed by a light, so you don't see any detail and it just looks like a blob of color. Hard to recreate but it can happen.

But the kicker is that if he really wanted to make the dweeb look bad, he would have 'shopped the light to green to show how he was blocking traffic. After all, we already know the light was red when the incident started for the dweeb to have been able to stand in front of the car or he would have been run over.

[/mentalist] :D

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