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We Need A New Catch Phrase..No longer Horny for Zorny


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I mentioned this in another thread. I have heard someone mention "Tranny for Shanny" and "Shanafan" so far.

What should we now be?? List your ideas.....

"Yes we CANny with SHANNY"

"Hey Mikey!...he likes it!"

"SHANAsaurus Rex"

" SHANNY and DANNY sittin in a tree... K-I-S-S...ummm, you get the idea!"

" SHANAtopia!!!" ;(

" SHANA Claus...so be good for goodness sake!"

"SHANAHAN Redeux!"

"Shanahand me the money!!!!

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I mentioned this in another thread. I have heard someone mention "Tranny for Shanny" and "Shanafan" so far.

What should we now be?? List your ideas.....

Was bored so I put together a list of the leading vote getters.

Here are your results so far...

1) Shanahanigans +6...credit CRogersGuy/thesubmittedone (spelled with an "e" instead of "i" was also listed)

2) Tranny for Shanny +5...credit brandymac27 (btw, you people have problems lol)

3) Shan the Man +4...credit goflyhelo (Shanaman was also listed, I added the vote to this one)

4) Son's of Shanarchy aka SOS +4...credit Brett81 (either way I'm keeping my sig :silly:)

5) Shan-Wow +3...credit GhostofSparta (Also saw Shanwow, vote added to this)

A few others received 2 or more votes, so go back and find your fav or add a new one to the mosh pit.

Honorable mention:

Randy for Shanny, Shanpipple, Shanafan, Fan of Shan, Hey Mikey he likes it, I like Mike, Psycho fan for Shanahan...also I didn't quite get this one but SISED for Shanahan??


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The Shan-wow!

+1 for the first one I saw come up with this one.


Mike Shanahan: Department of Slaughter

The nerds will love this.

I just hope we can trade Portis for something more than a Shanaham sammitch!

Anyone that can tie in a ham sammitch is on the right track.

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