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DeAngelo Hall sig

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Thanks guys, I'm testing something out and the feedback is great, hopefully I can get more comments. Don't worry about hurting my feelings, I've been to other GFX boards that rip me apart constantly.

Just lay it on me, the more comments the better

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I like the JC sig. I like the colors and the way JC stands out. I can see where you are experimenting with the filters. It seems to lack some of your creativity so far as design, but I know that's not what you were going for.

I would like the DH sig better without the black box in the middle with his name. For me, it detracts from the the sig. I also like the left side of the sig better than the right side. I would like it better if you had carried the red/green staduim look all the way across and left out the right side DH but I like just one main focal point for sigs, so that's probably just me.

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I like the JC sig. I like the colors and the way JC stands out. I can see where you are experimenting with the filters. It seems to lack some of your creativity so far as design, but I know that's not what you were going for.

I would like the DH sig better without the black box in the middle with his name. For me, it detracts from the the sig. I also like the left side of the sig better than the right side. I would like it better if you had carried the red/green staduim look all the way across and left out the right side DH but I like just one main focal point for sigs, so that's probably just me.

Thanks RCS, I'm not sold on the black box too...

The image on the right, when you see see two separte images like that its called the mirror effect, its supposed to trick the eye to focus more on the primary focal. Your eye will usually hit the smaller focal first depending on the lighting.

RCS knows me too well, I was hoping that you and left wouldn't post because you guys know what I do.

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I can't see either of them? Soup why can I never see your sigs anymore?

Your firewall might be blocking the images or you anti-virus program might too. Can you the sig that "21" has? That is one of mine. I use two different hosting sites.

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yeah i can see his ...pretty sick by the way

Very strange you're the only one that has that problem. I'm building my own stie up and I will archive all my sigs there. the same hosting site that I used for "21" 's sig is the same that I will use for my website.

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