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French minister admits to paying “young boys” for sexual acts


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Frédéric Mitterrand, France’s culture minister, was under pressure to resign after it emerged that he had admitted to paying “young boys” for sexual acts while on holiday in Thailand.

The revelations in his 2005 autobiography “The Bad Life” have come back to haunt Mr Mitterrand after he emerged as one of the most vociferous defenders of Roman Polanski, the film director currently detained in Switzerland in connection with an outstanding conviction for unlawful sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old girl in the US in 1977.

In his book, Mr Mitterrand, the nephew of the late Socialist president François Mitterrand, wrote: “I got into the habit of paying for boys...All these rituals of the market for youths, the slave market excite me enormously.

“One could judge this abominable spectacle from a moral standpoint but it pleases me beyond the reasonable.”


Pretty sick how he actually got named minister with this out in the public and is now getting the support from the president, even by European standards.

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Well Mitterrand is claiming that it was not "young boys" as in children but rather teenagers/young adults. Which would be legal in France also (15 years and up up is legal) so it's only the paying part that is the big issue but they seem to view it as sins of the past or something. But still admitting to taking part of sex tourism and in way exploiting 3rd world population would be enough to get the boot in most countries here in europe I'd guess. The protest seem to have gained some momentum now with both the socialists party and extreme right in the parliament voicing complaint so hopefully it gains steam and he gets kicked out. Reminds me of Houellebecq's book Plattform.

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No, really, that's all that post deserves.

Good, that means you're not retarded and realize i probably wasnt being 100% serious in that post.

The reason I said that is this: i absolutely hate it when people take the worst actions of any socieites, including religious societies, and apply it to the whole society. For example, when some wahabbi kills his daughter cause he caught her kissing some boy, idiots are quick to denounce the entire religious society, heck even the religion itself.

So I did it on the flip side, with a secular society. Hubbs was bright enough to figure it out. MadMike, not so much.

btw, I would consider America, for example, to be a religious society, at least compared to France. Perhaps my word choice is poor, perhaps liberal is a better word to use here than secular. Still, there is definitely a correlation between liberal/conservative and secular/religious. My point stands.

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Good, that means you're not retarded and realize i probably wasnt being 100% serious in that post.

The reason I said that is this: i absolutely hate it when people take the worst actions of any socieites, including religious societies, and apply it to the whole society. For example, when some wahabbi kills his daughter cause he caught her kissing some boy, idiots are quick to denounce the entire religious society, heck even the religion itself.

So I did it on the flip side, with a secular society. Hubbs was bright enough to figure it out. MadMike, not so much.

I guess you were not bright enough to figure out that Hubs was probably laughing at you because he took your post at face value.

For future reference. Jokes should be funny, and irony should be apparent. For example, it's probably a good idea to add one of these... ;) at the end of your joke. It works much better than suggesting someone else is retarded because of your inability to express yourself clearly. :rolleyes:

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Sexual Deviants hiding behind the power of their office are disgusting period. Just because the morally corrupt decided that 15 is ok for sex doesn't mean 40 to 60 year olds should be cruising for 9th graders.

Just as sickening as the Safe Schools Czar writing in his queering elementary book about lesbians wanting to sex up an eight year old girl.

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