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Marist: “Whatever…” Takes Top Honors as Most Annoying Phrase


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10/7: “Whatever…” Takes Top Honors as Most Annoying

If you’re like, “whatever,” and someone gives you a mean look, just remember it is what it is – certain sayings rub people the wrong way, you know? Anyway, at the end of the day, who cares?

If the above paragraph thoroughly irritated you, you’re probably not alone. The question is, which word or phrase bothered you the most?

Chances are it was “whatever.” In a recent Marist poll, nearly half of Americans – 47% – said they find “whatever” most annoying. The other sayings weren’t quite so loathed. 25% say they find “you know” most grating; 11% can’t stand “it is what it is”; 7% would like to ban “anyway” from all verbal exchanges; and 2% reported that they could do without hearing “at the end of the day.”

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Mine is when you're on the phone with someone, and you're exchanging Thank You's and You're Welcomes, and the person says "Uh-huh, Mm Hmm Uh-huh, Mmm Hmm" like 2 or 3 times.

I'm like WTF ?

You're trying to be respectful, so then what's point of repeating such a meaningless non-word ?

Just friggin say "You're Welcome" instead of that stupid Gobble Dee Gook !!

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Mine is when you're on the phone with someone, and you're exchanging Thank You's and You're Welcomes, and the person says "Uh-huh, Mm Hmm Uh-huh, Mmm Hmm" like 2 or 3 times.

That drives me nuts.

I hate when a girl uses the word "sure".

As a bartender, I get this.

Me "how are you doing?"

Douche "Coors Light"

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There's nothing more annoying than a "whatever" when you're in an argument with a girl.

There's nothing more satisfying to a guy, and annoying to a girl, than when the guy says it to the girl.

I've experienced it - and tucked it away as a future weapon. :D

Although, I advise caution in using it : with the wrong woman, she could go postal on you. :saber:

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  • 1 year later...

Americans find 'whatever' most annoying word for second year in a row

LIKE, whatever.

For the second year in a row, Americans ranked "whatever" as the most annoying word or phrase used in conversation, a Marist Poll released today found.

Thirty-nine per cent of those polled were most irritated by the oft-used "whatever", while 28 per cent found the term "like" the most offensive.

The rhetorical "you know what I mean?" was ranked third by 15 per cent of those polled, followed by 10 per cent who were most annoyed by the phrase "to tell you the truth".

Last year, "whatever" was crowned most-hated word by 47 per cent of those polled.

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I find "fair enough" to be the most annoying **** ever. It is simply someone saying,"I don't agree with what your saying, but I don't have anything intelligent to counter it." A couple years ago a guy was showing around a gym I was about to join and he would respond "fair enough" to everything you said.

Gym guy: "where did you go to school?"

Me: "Old Dominion"

Gym guy: "fair enough!"

WHAT THE ****! I have hated that phrase ever since.

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Whatever translates as telling the other person that their opinion, advice or point is unimportant, irrelevent, and not worth worth discussing. Using whatever is a clear display of contempt for the person you are addressing. So yes, I can see how it would be the most annoying phrase.

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