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Telegraph: German men are 'world's worst lovers' with English men in second place


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German men are 'world's worst lovers' with English men in second place

German men have been voted the world's worst lovers, narrowly beating English men to the unwanted title.

A poll of 15,000 women found that Germans are considered "too smelly".

English lovers came second because they are so lazy, while men from Sweden were branded "too quick to finish" and came third.

Spanish men topped the table as the best lovers, followed by Brazilians and Italians.

The poll, carried out by global research site www.OnePoll.com, asked women from 20 countries to rate nations on their ability in bed and give reasons for their answers.

Germans were deemed to have bad body odour, Englishmen were accused of letting women do all the work, whilst Swedes were a bit too quick to finish.

Men from Holland were "too rough" between the bed covers and Americans were accused of being "too dominating" in the bedroom.

Greek men were said to be a bit too soppy.

Other countries who didn't fare well in the poll were Scotland (too loud), Turkey (too sweaty) and Wales (too selfish).

Russian men crept in at tenth place amid accusations they are too hairy for the average woman.

Click on the link for the full article

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Oddly, the list at the bottom lists American men as too rough and men from Holland as too dominating. I wonder which is correct.

And hey, hooray for Ireland!!! Alright, bout time we (I say that because of Irish descendents from long, long ago) came in some place in anything besides potato famines and leprechauns/square mile.

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