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BIG MIKE pic 2 needs caption

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You know if they can just get the guy moving no person in the NFL can stop that. I would use him in JUMBO packages at the goal line as a FB, blocking for sellars. He is literally two people. The rest of the Oline look thin standing next to him

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That jersey is holding on for dear life and working overtime.

Wow, he is as wide as two other players in that huddle. That is a lot of beef right there... and D-linemen are supposed to push that around??? I hope this experiment works. if it does, it may be the absolute most brilliant move the FO has made in years... if it were to work out.

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I thought they let shamu go? FREE WILLY should be his nickname

What kind of heart can handle that big a load? Does he have a whale heart or something, wow

I don't know how the heck his body can handle all that fat.

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No clearer example that this guy is big than standing next to Dockery. Dock is listed at 330 and he looks small compared to big Mike.

I just hope he can continue to shed pounds. I think he should get down to 350. A lot of work ahead for him.

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